Saturday, October 3, 2009

Life= Daily F.R.O.G. Practice

     A good friend Kevin and I met a few years ago when we first became involved in Cursillo taught us about a concept we’ve since embraced and try to live by; it’s Fully Relying On God, otherwise known as F.R.O.G. This friend of ours taught us this concept by his example of trusting in God, especially when the going gets tough.
     This individual and his family are involved in a number of different organized ministries, and we’ve heard many stories about how their random acts of kindness and evangelization have touched people’s lives.
     This friend and fellow Cursillista is someone whom we had gotten to know through bi-monthly Ultreyas (a term which comes from a Spanish word meaning “onward” and suggests the purpose of these gatherings, which is to help us persevere and get encouragement for our spiritual journey). To me, an Ultreya is a mini retreat and Cursillo family reunion all rolled into one.
      Anyway, this friend came by our apartment one day. We chatted for a bit. He listened, offered some words of encouragement, then he gave me a little envelope. I thanked him, set the envelope down, and hugged him goodbye, astounded that someone Kevin and I didn’t know all that well cared enough to come by and offer his support. He reminded me to open the envelope, which I did as soon as he left.
      In it was a note that read: “There are always times when money gets difficult. One of our more important challenges here. Christ has always been very good to me about it, so I want you to have this little bit. You need it and I have it to spare. I hope it helps. God bless you.” Enclosed was a $100 bill.
      I immediately called Kevin who was at work although he was sick and read him the note. Both of us were crying. It was nothing short of a miracle. Someone who we’d known less than a year, who didn’t go to our parish, wasn’t in a group reunion with us, and who we’d usually only seen once or twice a month at Ultreyas showed up at our doorstep to offer us encouragement, and not only that but he gave us money which we never asked for and he knew we weren’t in a position to pay back.
     I have a feeling one of the biggest challenges in my life will always be F.R.O.G., but it’s a goal worth working towards, and certainly one God would like us to reach. There are times when it is much harder than others to trust that we’ll be led through difficult situations, and that we will be given all that we need by a loving Father, who knows our needs even better than we do. I believe that’s where we are most needed, to minister to those who are struggling to trust God because of how much they are suffering in mind, body, and/or spirit.
     Each day we are offered opportunities to serve others and spread God’s love. This friend and his family have made it a way of life to identify what others need most and do whatever they can to meet those needs.
      Lord, please help us this day and each in our F.R.O.G. practice to live a life of such love and service that others who come into contact with us would be drawn closer to You, the only source of unconditional love, complete forgiveness, and abundant mercy. Amen.