Monday, April 5, 2010

The Path to a Glorious Easter Season: Reflection III

The three holiest days of the year the Easter Triduum have been a wonderful time of prayer, reflection, solemn worship, praise, adoration, song, and fellowship for me. For the first time I can remember, I had Good Friday off from school and work, so I took the opportunity to do what is suggested to observe the time between Holy Thursday and Easter: use it as a time of spiritual retreat and renewal.

I put aside my things-to-do list, didn’t listen to the radio, kept the TV off, stayed away from the computer (saved and scheduled my Good Friday reflection to post in advance), refrained from shopping or eating out. I added more personal and communal prayer time, spiritual reading, was stricter about fasting, and only looked at the clock to make sure I was on time for scheduled church services.
Thursday evening at 7:30pm Kevin and I went to the Holy Thursday Mass at St. Michael’s. After the foot washing and the Mass came to a close, there was a procession into the Chapel with the Eucharist. Since there is no Consecration done on Good Friday, because it is a solemn service focused on Christ’s Passion instead of a Mass, all of the Eucharist hosts for both nights were Consecrated. Whatever was left over on the Thursday would be used on Good Friday’s service.
Since the Triduum is really one celebration which takes parts over three nights, the Thursday night Mass didn’t end with a concluding hymn. Instead, the priests, deacons, and congregation were invited to process into the Chapel. I’d already told Kevin I planned to stay for Eucharistic Adoration afterwards, so I waved goodbye to him and slipped into the procession. When I went into the second row of chairs, a little girl from school saw me and came over to give me a hug. I don’t see her much this year, but last year I could pretty much count on receiving a running hug from her each day. Such a warm, enthusiastic greeting grew in significance later when I reflected on the time I’d spent in Eucharistic Adoration…(continued in Reflection IV).