Sunday, July 11, 2010

Christ at the Center

     I was bracing myself to take a stand since I’d found out that our Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) Women’s retreat team formation meeting was scheduled to be held in the Day Chapel overlapping the time when there would be Adoration in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel right next to it. I had been bothered at an earlier meeting when this had happened, but I didn’t have the guts to speak up or respectfully leave the Day Chapel and pray before the Blessed Sacrament while it was exposed for Adoration, then return to our CRHP meeting after the Benediction.

     This time I knew I had to say something. As soon as people started coming in, I told them that Adoration was going on and that it would be best if we found another room to meet in until they finished and had the Benediction at 7pm. I said this while one of our deacons and the lay director of our CRHP team were in front of me. The deacon asked what the problem was, and I explained I thought it incredibly irreverent to have a meeting that can be rather loud at times held in a room that shares a wall with the Blessed Sacrament Chapel during Adoration. He made some comment to the effect of, “Well, that’s parish life.” I responded with a perhaps abrupt reminder that Christ’s True Presence is the whole reason any of us are there and that He should come first and be the focus.
     At that, the deacon said that we could join them in singing the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and for the Benediction which would take all of about 20-25 minutes. I jumped at the idea and our fearless lay director agreed to it as well.
     The women there for our meeting all willingly participated, though the small Blessed Sacrament Chapel was so full most of us had to kneel or stand along the side or the back walls. Since it had been such a spur of the moment decision, no one had her Rosary with her except me. There weren’t any worship aids in the Chapel with the prayer on them, so they listened and joined in when they felt comfortable enough to do so.
     Some members of our team had never been to Adoration or prayed the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I knew the value of both only because my parents and my Cursillo family had taught me and shown me the deep holiness and power each prayer holds.
     I was glad things worked out so well, that the women on our CRHP team were flexible enough to do something not on our detailed schedule even after we’d found a classroom away from the Blessed Sacrament Chapel where we could hold our regular meeting without disturbing anyone. I definitely consider the experience a grace and spirit-filled God-incident.
     Lord, give us the courage to speak up and do what is right, especially when it comes to observing the proper reverence for Your Most Beloved Son and His True Presence in the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Way, to go Trish. That sentiment, which I heard on a Scott Hahn tape, was part of my talk this past Cursillo Weekend for the Greater Hampton Roads Community: "I want to go where God wants me to go, say what He wants me to say, and do what He wants me to do."
