Sunday, July 25, 2010

The First Anniversary

     A year ago there was plenty of cause for celebration. I began the day by going to a wedding. Kevin had to work, so he was unable to join me, but I wanted to be there anyway. Laura, the bride, and I had gone to St. Mary’s School together from fifth until the middle of seventh grade at which time my family moved to New Jersey until the summer before I began high school. Laura and I spent the last year of Confirmation classes together in a small group taught by my mom.
     Kevin and I had often seen Laura at St. Michael’s since she’s a cantor and in the choir. A week or so before the big day
we stopped and talked to each other for a bit rather than just waving hi. Laura extended an invitation to their upcoming wedding. I immediately wrote it in my planner calendar.      I got dressed up and made it to the church on time to witness the wedding Mass of Laura and Jeff. Laura had a huge smile and was positively beaming, as usual. I felt very privileged to be there for the marriage of two people of faith, one whom I’d known for many years, and the other whom I’d met just recently.
     Over the past year, Kevin and I have gotten to know Laura and Jeff much better. Their story is somewhat similar to ours. We’ve enjoyed getting together for meals, Mass, sharing music, movies, and more recently Cursillo with them.
     Last night, after 5:30pm Mass, Fr. Dan said a special blessing over the two of them in celebration of their one year anniversary. The entire congregation extended hands to pray over them, and they kissed before coming back to their seats.
     Lord, thank You for the blessing of marriage. Help all of us who have been called to the vocation live it out as a sacrament which glorifies You. Amen.