Friday, September 17, 2010

A Catholic Woman's Book of Prayers

If I only knew Catholic wife, author, and mother of five Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle from reading her books, I would have been looking forward to receiving my copy of her latest one: A Catholic Woman’s Book of Prayers, but having met this woman in person, kept up with her blogs, and corresponded with her a bit, I was very eager to get mine in the mail.  Being a W-O-M-A-N, I was immediately attracted to the beautiful cover and compact size of this book. Both make this a perfect gift, easy to carry in your purse, and pull out to read during those times when God’s answer to your prayers is “wait.”
Donna-Marie covers a wide array of topics near and dear to the hearts of women. With brief reflections, carefully selected quotes, Scripture verses, and poignant prayers, she takes the reader through the joys and sorrows of what it means to live out our feminine genius in light of the Lord’s love, mercy, and grace.
This book is a great way to introduce someone to Donna-Marie’s work, since she includes in it some touching stories about her life, reveals her deep level of prayer and devotion to serving Christ, and clearly displays the importance of women in bringing about the sanctification of our families, neighborhoods, workplaces, and society as a whole.
She is sensitive to the many challenges women face and encourages us to turn to the Lord for the guidance, strength, love, joy, and gentleness we need to carry out our unique roles as wives, mothers, sisters, spiritual mothers, consecrated religious, grandmothers, and daughters of Our Blessed Mother Mary, the best example of total submission to God the Father and Jesus Christ His only Son.
I love that the quotes she uses throughout are from such a vast variety of sources, because this allows us to see that a number of holy men and women, including saints, popes, and other writers over the centuries have confirmed the dignity and goodness inherent in being female.
I am confident after this taste of Donna-Marie’s spiritual wisdom and steadfast faith that many will be eager to check out her web site, take a look at her blog, read her other books, listen to her on the radio, and tune in to her show on EWTN.
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Visit The Catholic Company for more information on A Catholic Woman's Book of Prayers and be sure to check out their great selection of Mary statues while you’re there.


  1. Thank you very much for your kind and beautiful review, Trisha. May God bless you abundantly! May we women strive to spread the message of Christ's love and forgiveness, set a crucial example to others in our everyday lives and stretch out our hands and hearts to all we meet.

    1. You're most certainly welcome! Thank you for serving as a model for me of how to live the Christian life, write about it, and encourage others along the way.
