Thursday, September 23, 2010
Now is the Time
Now is the time for what? In Ecclesiastes 3:1-11, we are told that “there is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every thing under the heavens.” If there is a set time for each action and emotion under the sun, then what are we called to now?
Regardless of the seasons of our lives, the actions we’re currently called to, and or the emotions we are presently experiencing, now is the time to have faith and hope in the Lord. Now is the time to grow in our ability to trust and rely on Jesus Christ’s ability to heal, forgive, and make new. Now is the time to “be still and know I am God” (Psalm 46:10).
Now is the time to journey inward to find God in ourselves, then travel outward to share God with others. Now is the time to receive the love we long for and give the love others need. Now is the time to use the gifts and talents God has blessed us with in order to glorify Him and bring others closer to Him. Now is the time to leave behind our past sinfulness and allow the Lord to clothe us, His beloved sons and daughters, with majestic mercy which knows no bounds. When I look back over my life, I’m aware of many times when what I wanted right away, God, in His infinite wisdom, saw fit to postpone from happening or never bring about. I’m sure you’re able to make a similar list of desires, even prayer requests, that were delayed or denied. That’s where the necessary trust and faith come in. We don’t have all of the answers. We don’t even have all of the questions. We only see part of the picture.
We possess of version of the past that’s likely skewed. We can’t see the future. Sometimes we can’t even clearly perceive the present, but God sees everything and everyone in their true light. If we stop fighting with opposing forces, opinions, thoughts, and emotions both internally and externally and just listen, He’ll come to us in the silence. He will lead us from mourning into dancing, maybe not overnight and probably not in the time or way we think would be right, but eventually He’ll guide us to where we need to be.
Now is the time to pray for God’s will, take time to be silent, still and listen, then act according to what He knows is best for us.
Lord, help us to be increasingly more open to Your perfect will and timing in our lives. Lead us away from the immediately-if-not-sooner thoughts and practices of our modern world into Your Presence which exists always and is never confined or altered by time. Keep us ever mindful of Your love, especially in times of suffering in mind, body, and/or spirit so that we might not give up in times of trial but may instead draw ever closer to You, clinging to the hope of eternity with You.
Note: This reflection, written in honor of the participants of the Men's Cursillo taking place September 23-26, 2010 at Mary Mother of the Church Abbey, first appeared in the September 2010 issue of the Rooster Review.
Now is the Time
Trisha Niermeyer Potter
Catholic|conversion|Cursillo|discernment|evangelization|faith|family|friends|God|holiness|hope|Jesus|listening|love|meditation|prayer|Psalms|Scripture reflection|suffering|trust|