Friday, October 1, 2010

Already There - Letting God Find You

Sometimes it’s wonderfully satisfying to be proven wrong. This was one of those times. To be honest, when I chose Already There - Letting God Find You based on the title and brief summary listed on the website, I assumed the “weird” connections the author makes between spiritual/religious things and pop culture might be corny and rather loose, but still moderately effective in getting the attention of young adults more steeped in modern culture than the Catholic faith tradition.
My assumption was completely wrong. Not only are the connections between pop culture and spirituality/fundamentals of the human condition
well thought out and thoroughly explained, but they also serve as profound models of basic human truths, needs, and longings evident throughout the Bible.    
It is truly a God-incident that I chose this book and began reading it when I did, as I’ve spent quite a bit of time recently looking at how my past experiences have in many ways created and/or contributed to my current fears when it comes to being vulnerable before God and others. So many of the thoughts and questions that have come to my mind regarding God’s love and mercy, especially as they relate to my past, present, and future, are found in this book.
Fr. Mark Mossa invites the reader to recognize God in everyday living and more importantly, in who we are and who He calls us to be. The portrait of a spiritual life isn’t painted with profane or shocking, yet irrelevant associations to pop culture. If anything this book provides more of an inspiration and some wisdom to paint or envision then live out a spiritually enriching life, one in which we glorify God by using the unique palette of talents He’s given us in order to draw others closer to Him.
Instead of prescribing each person follow an elementary paint-by-number approach to finding God within and building that relationship, the author as artist shows us the complex canvas on which he depicts his own story, blends in popular movies, TV shows, music, etc. with in-depth Scripture reflections, and very moving insights from well-known saints. Regardless of what genre of art typically resonates with you, you’re likely to see in this work the unmistakable beginnings of a masterpiece: a life lived for God.
I appreciated the personal stories, deep insights about what it means to be human, and the acknowledgments time and again that we are each special and irreplaceable. God has given us different gifts and our spiritual journey to Him might vary considerably from another’s though the motivation to love and be loved by God and others flows from the same source.
I only have two qualms about this great read. The first is that it’s marketed mostly for a young adult audience when people of all ages will be able to relate to the fundamental truths contained in this treasure of a book. The second is that there are numerous typos and missed copy edits bound to bother the average English major, journalist, and/or editor at least a little.
I highly recommend reading this book to discover or rediscover how God is already your heart, in the people around you, in your past, in your present, and in your future.
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company for more information on Already There - Letting God Find You and be sure to check out their great selection of Mary statues while you are there. I receive free product samples in exchange for an honest review.