Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Do You Have Enough Oil in Your Lamp?

     The Mass Readings they did at St. Joseph’s Little Sisters of the Poor yesterday were about a woman being dedicated to the service of the Lord, and the Gospel was about the brides who were waiting for the bridegroom to come. Some had enough oil and others didn’t have enough, and when they went to buy some more, the bridegroom came and the doors were closed. The bridegroom tells those who hadn’t had enough oil in their lamps that he didn’t know them when they returned and knocked.
     The priest’s homily made me wonder: do I have enough oil in my lamp to wait for Christ’s coming?
I know many times I’ve felt that my supply ran out long ago. While at Mass, I thought of this, but I also thought about how God must sometimes fill up my oil in a secret reserve only He knows about, because no matter how dark things have gotten, I don’t think the Light of Christ has ever been completely extinguished in me.      I had a really good visit with my grandma yesterday that held many reminders of God’s love. She was excited just to see me. Though the Gospel Reading was about staying awake, being prepared for Christ’s return, I have no doubt that God was smiling down and loving her just as much yesterday when she was drifting off a bit during Mass and when she’d say “Lord, have mercy on us” when the rest of us were responding “Lord, hear our prayer” after the prayers of the faithful.
     During the last song at Mass, she wheeled over to another resident who is a friend of hers to point out that I’d come to visit. I recognized the woman, and I think she recognized me, too. I smiled and nodded when she waved, but I kept singing the recessional hymn, again knowing that God wasn’t the least bit upset with my grandmother for being so eager to show off her granddaughter to her friends, even if Mass wasn’t quite finished, yet.
     Grandma asked me a number of times how I’d been doing and how Kevin was. She also asked more than once if I knew that Rob, my mom’s youngest brother, his wife Dianne and my two cousins are coming to my mom’s house for Thanksgiving. I wasn’t irritated or frustrated by this, I’d just answer her questions again and again.
     Lord, thank You for showing me Christ’s light in and around me. Help all to have faith that You will keep the Christ Light burning especially when suffering inside and out make everything seem so dark. You are The Way, The Truth, The Light, and the Source of Life. Amen.