Monday, December 13, 2010

The Fulfillment of All Desire Study Guide

There is a wealth of material covered in the tome called The Fulfillment of All Desire, so the Study Guide is a very useful tool to get the most out of this book. There is a summary of each chapter followed by a list of Questions for Comprehension. Since Ralph Martin uses such a variety of sources and covers such topics as heaven, hell, temptation, sin, suffering, purification, as well as the main biographical information about these seven doctors of the Church, it is helpful to have questions to help the reader pick out the focal points.

I really like that there are Questions for Reflection included for each chapter as well. These are deep, thought-provoking jumping off points for meditation, journaling, spiritual direction…which provide great opportunities to see how relevant these subjects are to our own lives and spiritual growth. It’s also helpful that the main facts about each of the seven saints’ lives are listed in the study guide for quick reference.     
This study guide would make this a wonderful book club pick, if those in the group are avid readers, and/or plan to meet a number of times to discuss the contents, the implications they have in our lives today, and what each topic has stirred up in individual readers.
A list of key terms is given at the end of each chapter of the study guide which allow the reader to remember quickly what keywords belong with which saint. The glossary at the back of the book has definitions of all of these terms.
 Reading this book along with the study guide will greatly enhance what is gleaned from these wise followers of Christ and help us to apply what they learned to our own lives as we strive to grow in holiness and approach a more intimate relationship with the Lord.
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on The Fulfillment of All Desire Study Guide and be sure to check out their great selection of baptism gifts while you are there.