Saturday, January 8, 2011

Who Is Jesus Christ?

I’m usually someone who devours books instead of reading a chapter at a time, writing down answers to the reflection questions in my spiritual/prayer journal, and occasionally only reading one chapter in a day. Who Is Jesus Christ?: Unlocking the Mystery in the Gospel of Matthew by Eric Sammons was a good read that I digested over a longer period of time than I normally spend on one book.
There are several Scripture passages quoted throughout the book, and each chapter ends with its own set of reflection questions that could be used for personal reflection or group discussion.
Some of the questions, which could very easily be ones a spiritual director would ask, inspired me to write several pages in my spiritual/prayer journal. Others made me stop and think, then pray for a bit.     
I love how Sammons tied together Old Testament and New Testament readings in order to show how Jesus Christ is indeed the fulfillment of the many prophecies made in the Old Testament. Examining each of the names of Christ for each chapter did provide a good mélange of who the Son of Man was in a variety of situations.
Oftentimes, I’ve felt closer to God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and have felt Jesus is a bit at a distance, except of course, in the Eucharist. I was intrigued by this book’s title for many reasons. No matter how many books I’ve read, songs I’ve heard, prayers I’ve prayed, God continues showing me new things about Himself. By looking at the names of Jesus that others called Him and what He called Himself, I have felt a bit closer. 
This is a good read that even avid readers who tend to speed through books like I do can slow down to let the wisdom of the Word sink in.
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Who Is Jesus Christ? Unlocking the Mystery . They are also a great source for first communion gifts and baptism gifts.