Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Campbell's Soup, Frosted Flakes, & Sex

     With a Respect Life Grant from the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, Saint Michael the Archangel’s Respect Life Committee brought in a national speaker who describes herself as a “Frustrated Stand-Up Comedian.”
     Linda Hancock, FNP, PhD., Director, Wellness Resource Center at Virginia Commonwealth University, has been a nurse practitioner for over twenty years. In her job, she’s worked with all the "S's"- sex, substance abuse, smoking cessation, spirituality, stress, and statistics on social norms. She thinks college students are fun and fascinating.
She’s happily married, has gotten her children to adulthood, and she has taught young adult formation in a local Catholic parish for the last two decades. 
     Interactive and techno-savvy are most definitely the best way to go with people most likely to select “someone made me” as their reason for attending the talk. Linda handed out radio frequency “clickers” so young adults in attendance could answer questions anonymously during her presentation and then see the audience results instantly.
     Linda used a number of amusing examples, a couple of Youtube videos, some popular ads, audience participation, and some true stories to bring up and break down the illusions and delusions surrounding cigarettes, alcohol, and sex.
     Among her words of wisdom to those who aren’t married: “if it’s wet and it’s not yours, don’t touch it.”
     Linda recommends a website called Busted Halo for news articles, info, sound bites, pop culture insights, and videos for the spiritual seeker.
     With a great deal of wisdom, research, experience, some popular technology, and a fine-tuned sense of humor, Linda laid down the law, cleared up some common misconceptions, and shared some tough truths with the teens, young adults, and parents present.
     Linda Hancock reminded us that: “Campbell’s Soup is mmm…mm good, Frosted Flakes are grrrreat, and sex is sacred.”