Wednesday, February 23, 2011

A Series of Quite Fortunate God Incidents

Towards the end of last month, on a Wednesday, I enjoyed a series of quite fortunate God incidents some of which are still affecting me. Of course, some of the blessings were much bigger in the grand scheme of things than others, but all added up to make a day during which I was very aware of God’s grace.
That morning, I finally found the bins and cool coordinating organizational things I’d been seeking for our apartment. My sister Mary, who has been our organization/design guru, can tell you this is quite significant after having shopped with me for a bit.
I went downtown to meet John, our favorite brother in Christ, at St. Peter’s for noon Mass. I arrived early, in part, because I’d never been there for Mass before and wanted to make sure I didn’t get lost and show up late. I slipped into a pew, admiring the beauty of the church and began praying for a couple and their soon-to-be-born daughter.
Though I always turn the sound off on my phone when I’m in church, I took it out when the priest asked if anyone knew what time it was. I answered his question, then saw that I’d received a text message and picture. Turns out the family friend we’d been praying for delivered a healthy daughter who weighed 4 lbs. 9oz at 11:18 that very morning. Mother and baby Anna were doing well. My prayers of supplication quickly turned to those of joyful praise.      John could tell from the huge smile on my face when he came in that I’d already heard the exciting news about his youngest niece. There couldn’t have been a more fitting way to celebrate than to attend Mass.
I enjoyed the educational, yet somewhat informal way, Mass was celebrated. Fr. Brownell came out before beginning the service and gave us a brief synopsis of the lives of St. Titus and St. Timothy, whose feast day it was. Later, when it was time for Communion, he asked for Eucharistic Ministers to volunteer to serve that day. I can’t remember another place where there was an altar call during Mass for Eucharistic Ministers, but it was neat to see people come forward to help from different parts of the church as soon as he asked.
As John and I were about to head out into the rain to go back to our cars, we ran into Andrea, a friend from our parish. Andrea and her friend asked for a ride to the library. I offered to take them since I had the day off and John needed to get back to work.
During the ride, the two of them told me about the friendship they’d developed over the past year. They’d first met one day after they’d both gone to St. Peter’s for daily Mass. I drove Andrea and her friend a few blocks so Andrea could meet her friend’s son for the first time without getting drenched and still get back to work on time. They were both so grateful for the ride, and I felt very blessed God has given me the opportunity to get to know the two of them a bit better.
On my way home, the human concerns minister from our church called to ask if I could help a family by watching their youngest while the mom went to the doctor. I came over and helped for a bit, then went over to pick up the mom and give her a ride home.
That same day, I heard from a friend I’d been praying for who’s been having a rough time of it. She was very excited to report that she’d gotten a new job. A little later that evening, Kevin came home with the four copies we had ordered of unPLANNED by Abby Johnson.
Lord, thank You for the countless blessings You give us each day. Help us to be open to Your guidance in all we do and Your Presence in everyone we meet. Amen.

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