Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Please Don't Drink the Holy Water

If you like to laugh, have children, or have been around kids, you’re likely to enjoy Please Don’t Drink the Holy Water: Homeschool Days, Rosary Nights, and Other Near Occasions of Sin by Susie Lloyd. I’ve read most of this book aloud; as I did the first one of hers I bought called Bless Me, Father, for I Have Kids after meeting her a couple summers ago at a Catholic Writers Conference. My husband and I have had as much fun laughing out loud at these true stories about family dynamics as we did when reading her more recent book on the train, at home, in the car, in waiting rooms, and restaurants.
Susie’s matter-of-fact observations about marriage, pop culture, family life, faith, chores, kids, pets, and other household phenomenon combined with her fine-tuned sense of humor make for anecdotes as amusing as the following chapter titles suggest: “Chivalry Is Dead: It Collided with My Stroller,” “Fighting the Pack-Rat Gene—One Mound at a Time,” “Family Prayer: An Occasion of Sin”,” “Never Let'Em See You Rest,” and “Family Vacations (and Other Ways to Punish Your Kids).” To read a few excerpts from the book, click here.
When it comes to writing style and voice, Susie Lloyd’s a modern-day, Catholic version of Erma Bombeck, only with a greater number of adorable offspring and a bit sassier sarcasm. She’d make a great stand-up comedian if she was allowed to go on longer field trips than homeschooling her children permits. Though her “homeschool bus” isn’t equipped for a full-circuit tour, she does do speaking engagements. After Kevin and I talked with one of her daughters and her in person, I’m sure these live events would prove to be quite entertaining.
To read my review of Bless Me Father, For I Have Kids, click here. I highly recommend reading Please Don’t Drink the Holy Water: Homeschool Days, Rosary Nights, and Other Near Occasions of Sin and Bless Me, Father, for I Have Kids.


  1. Thank you Trisha - you are awesome! BTW: It's Bless Me Father, for I Have Kids - not Forgive Me, etc. The pun is that Kids can make you crazy but they are a blessing!

    1. Yes! I have corrected that. Kids are a blessing, but they can certainly make you crazy.
