Thursday, June 30, 2011

Picture This, Photography, Cameras, and Capturing Moments in Kodak Country

Looking out over the lake, especially at sunset, I can picture a number of different photos I’ve taken here over the years.  Lately, I’ve even thought that some of the scenery is indeed beautiful, but that there’s no need for me to pull out the camera since I’ve already gotten similar shots in years past.       

Actually, it was in Rochester that my mom got me my first camera, a Pentax ZX50, from a shop that a distant relative of ours owned.  I still have that camera, but I mainly only use the case these days, because it can fit more in it along with our Panasonic Lumix digital camera. (Yes, I know this is Kodak country, but at least when I print out my photos at home I use Kodak Premium Glossy Photo paper.)   
I still enjoy taking pictures, but so far Kevin’s taken the most while we’ve been here.  Two tall ships were in the harbor earlier this week, and he got to watch one of them sail off to Buffalo.  He was set on taking lots of pictures of it, which I was fine with since I could use them to make a poster or some other visuals to use when I lead the kids at school in dancing to one of our Veggie Tales favorites: “The Pirates Who Don’t Do Anything.”

Of course, this wasn’t a pirate ship, it was the Pride of Baltimore II, designed circa 1812, a reproduction of a Baltimore Clipper Privateer.  This square top sail schooner has a very impressive haul, sails, rigging, and is 157 feet long. 
None of the crew members looked like pirates at all, but, then again, neither do the animated vegetables in the Veggie Tales DVD version of the song.