Thursday, October 20, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 21)

Best Baby Shower Ever! Last Saturday we threw a baby shower for a woman from Kenya who is going to have a baby boy in the next couple of weeks.  She has no family in this country, has had quite a few struggles during her unexpected pregnancy, but she has a very strong faith in the Lord, a group of friends who have rallied around her, and many prayer warriors to lift her up.    The Holy Spirit was present in very powerful ways that day for all present to witness!  Her story reminds me of one of my all-time favorite songs by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir, “So You Would Know.” 
     Our prayers that the mother and her son would indeed feel God’s love and plans to give them hope and a future were answered in awesome ways!  Thank You, Lord Jesus!
Continued Computer Conflicts: We’ve been without a computer (that works) at home for over a week now.  I have lots of reading and writing to catch up on, but I’m still waiting for it to be fixed. 
Total Consecration: When I was 19, I made my first Preparation for Consecration, and I can honestly say that was a major turning point in my faith journey and in my life.  Yesterday, Kevin and I began doing the 33 day preparation for consecration to Jesus through Mary.  I never thought we’d be doing this together.  Praying this book of powerful prayers, the Rosary, and the Prayer to Mary for the Conversion of a Loved One are three of the main ways the Holy Spirit inspired me to intercede for Kevin’s mind, body, and soul when he’d fallen away from the Church and the Sacraments.  If you'd like to make your consecration or learn more about this proven method to bring you closer to Christ, check out    
Post-purchase jitters: After much heated debate, prayerful discernment, and hours of research and discussion, my husband is going to pick up the motorcycle I finally agreed he could purchase.  I'm doing my best not to flip out that I've agreed to a purchase I fear will harm our marriage and may result in serious injury.  I'm hoping in this case to have my fears that I'll be fighting a losing battle with a motorcycle for my husband's time and attention are proven absolutely unfounded.  Please join me in those prayers.  Thanks.   
Dad on my mind: Yesterday, actually a number of times this week, I've had my dad on my mind and heart, and therefore in my prayers.  I've been wearing a pair of his warm-up pants, one of his well-worn old T-shirts, and his fave Notre Dame sweatshirt when lounging around the house.  A friend came over yesterday to help me get our place organized, and I discovered a card from my dad in the process.  Our dear brother in Christ mentioned he was going to go to the gym to lift weights, which definitely made me think of my dad, since exercise was very high up on his list of priorities.  I recalled that the first time in 11 years that I arranged to spend time alone with my dad, we went to Arby's for lunch, then he took me to American Family Fitness to guide me in a work-out.  He took such pleasure in introducing me to the many friends he'd made there as his oldest daughter.  I was very grateful they'd become like a second family to him.   
Costumes Galore: As I've related elsewhere, my youngest sister had quite an affinity for costumes when she was little.  She had a number of Disney princess dresses in addition to a pretty wide selection of dance costumes my mom's best friend purchased wholesale at a nearby company.  I'm thoroughly amused that the little princess insisted on going everywhere in costume for a few years of her life, now that I'm no longer a teenager worried what others will think.  It's actually kind of funny that she still has a closet full of costumes that she wore in countless dance recitals and performances over the years.  Her attire for performances more recently hasn't been nearly as fairytale, princess, or diva-like as in years past, but she still has a closet full of costumes at home, which seems quite fitting for a baby born on Halloween while my other sister and I were out trick-or-treating.  Love you lots, miss you much, Theresa!  
Kenya hear me now: What a tremendous blessing it was this past weekend to be surrounded by so many amazing women and men of faith from Kenya!  Madrine,a dear friend of ours who moved here from Kenya with her two children when I was in high school, shared some wonderful stories about God's Providence and the miracles He's worked in her life, in part, through some of the others present.  This powerful prayer warrior had many of us in tears when she called down the Holy Spirit on those of us gathered that day.  Lord, please continue to bless Madrine and her unwavering devotion to do Your Will and glorify You.  Amen.