Friday, November 25, 2011

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 26)

— 1 —

Why the New Missal Will Be Good for the Mass by Fr. Robert Barron is a very beautiful description of the reasons for the changes in the translation of the Roman Missal and examples of how much this more poetic version will add to the heartfelt prayers of the Mass.  Such huge changes can seem daunting, but I believe Fr. Barron is absolutely right: this is a richer translation of the Latin that will make us more attentive to what we're praying, and that the best approach is to accept this as a positive change.

— 2 —

There will be no turkey. Kevin and I have missed out on three Thanksgiving meals in the past 5 days because we've got the stupid virus going around. We had crackers and Sprite/Ginger Ale as our main Thanksgiving meal. Even with that, this still wasn't by any means at all the worst Thanksgiving I've ever had (which is a clear indication that our family has had some pretty horrendous Turkey Days over the years).
— 3 —

She really loves me!  My mom brought me a plate of Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch today while I’m nannying.  I still haven’t had turkey, since Kevin and I don’t eat meat on Fridays, but the mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, and carrots were yummy!  What’s more, I have a slice of Mom’s homemade apple pie waiting for me.   

— 4 —

Take it outside.  This morning after a few rounds of screaming, wriggling, wailing, I managed to get Vivi and her teething, congested little self dressed, so we could go outside for a bit.  It’s amazing how some fresh air and sunshine, a change of scenery, and plenty to look at will change a grumpy, crabby cutie into a serene, riding in my stroller, waving to the doggies babe.     

— 5 —

Double wide. That’s how we rolled.  When taking care of my two little guys, I got in the habit of taking them on a walk in the morning.  I’d put them in the double stroller, bring water and Cheerios or goldfish crackers, and we’d head out.  I usually took them down the alley and up a few blocks to one of the main streets.  I’d point out the different animals, flowers, trees, and things we saw on the way.  They got to the point where they’d tell me just before they could see what was next that they knew what was right around the corner. 

— 6 —

Bells ring! Two Songs!  Before we reached the church near Hank’s street, JG would point up at the bell tower and say: “Bells ring! Two songs!” since I’d told them that at noon and at 6pm the bells not only ring, but they also play two songs.  That tidbit of info really stuck in the day my husband came over and we all were looking at his watch counting down to when the bells would start to ring. 

— 7 —

Reconnecting with old friends.  Last Wednesday, Holly, my best friend from high school, called and asked if I wanted to go out for lunch.  We met up at Arby’s to grab a bite to eat and catch up.  She wished me a happy birthday, as we hadn’t seen each other since my birthday.  I did the same, as I don’t think we’ve seen each other since her birthday at the end of August.  It’s nice that no matter how long you’ve been apart and how far away you’ve lived, that you can still pick up right where you left off.  Wow!  The two of us have been through quite a lot together!  Thanks God for old friends who know us well, and love us anyway.  

Check out Jennifer Fulwiler’s 7 Quick Takes Friday.