Friday, January 20, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 34)

 Why I Love Religion, and Jesus.  Check out this is a very well-done response to the popular Youtube video of a poem Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus which brings up some interesting points about the pitfalls of false religion, but fails to recognize some factual truths pointed out in Why I Love Religion, and Jesus.

Nothing Is Impossible with God:  I was thinking about that truth from the Bible a lot last weekend.  My sister Mary was installed as a deacon at Christ Presbyterian Church.  I’m not surprised that my sister has been chosen as a ministry leader in her church, especially since she and her husband, Jordan, have long been doing the prayer in outreach in their church and neighborhood that would be customary of people in such a role.  What’s amazing and truly miraculous is that my sister has done more than survived, she’s thrived since she joined the church’s youth group back in high school.  She’s been through an awful lot in her life, and God’s turned it all into good, as only He can.  Thank, You, Lord Jesus! 
 Unborn Baby Saves Dad’s Life This is a really neat story you’ll definitely want to read about.          

Who are you today?  Since I substitute regularly at school both for academic teachers from the toddler class up through middle school as well as work in Montessori Enrichment, it’s not unusual for people to ask me, “Who are you today?” I know that they mean who are you subbing for today, but that’s not what they say.  I’ve gotten in the habit of introducing myself, “I’m Trisha,” though most people know me there, then I add, “and today I’m subbing for so-and-so.”  It catches people off-guard which can be fun.   

The Waiting Game Lately the combination of different substituting, babysitting, nannying, afterschool club teacher mix I juggle has kind of been up in the air.  I’m doing my best to roll with it and not worry about what’s next.  As of yet, I don’t have enough kids signed up to run either of my afterschool clubs, so I’m postponing the start date for one more week to give parents more time to get their forms and fees in.  I know it will all work out one way or another, and I’m grateful to have work to do even if I’m not certain what the combination will look like over the next few months.

 I remember you! Since I am the lead teacher for several of the different summer camps held at Richmond Montessori School, many children recognize me when I come into their classrooms to substitute.  Some will remember my name.  Others recall I’m “Miss Trisha” and ask me if I remembered having them in camp.  A little boy approached me while I was subbing in his class yesterday to ask me if I remembered when he found the beetle during Nature Camp.  I did recall that occurrence.  It’s really fun to see what kids learn, remember, and take in.  They’re such little sponges!   
Respect Life Sunday This weekend is Respect Life Sunday at our parish.  Kevin and I have had so much going on with work, family, ministry things, that we decided that it would be better for us right now if we didn’t commit to one more thing.  I thought I might feel tremendously guilty not helping set everything up and man the tables as I have in previous years, but then I recalled some of the more day-to-day things Kevin and I have done in recent months that most definitely fall under the category of respect life, and I felt better realizing it’s become a way of life for us, not just an occasional Sunday. 

Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.