Friday, February 24, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 39)

Lent and sacrifice.  In thinking about past Lenten fasts, I believe the most in-tune I was throughout the 40 days was the year that I didn’t give up one particular food, but instead would think about each of the choices I made and remove some things I really wanted.  I’d leave out the sugar, leave off the salt, not have a soda or dessert or candy…you get the idea.  I was much more aware of prayer throughout the day, because I was always looking for something to offer up in addition to increased prayer.     
Wacky weather!  I’m a little confused about what season we’re in.  On Sunday when driving back from Ashland in a blizzard, I knew it was still winter.  Today it was 78 degrees out and we have a tornado watch.  Warmer temps are definitely my preference over snow, though it was pretty to look at from inside once we’d driven past about a dozen cars that had slid off the road and made it home safely. 

Just use your imagination and the kids will love it!  This week I had the privilege of watching a 2 and a half year old.  After we went back and forth playing Simon says, I was getting a bit worn out, so Simon said, “Lie on your back.”  We did, then I suggested we pretend to ride bikes.  For the next twenty minutes or so, I would ask the little miss where we were going.  She’d tell me, then start “pedaling” faster, so I’d have to speed up.  At each destination, she told me where the things were located.  We went to the zoo, the park, Sweet Frog for frozen yogurt, and back to the house.  We saw six lions, three monkeys, each had our own yummy yogurt, and got to practice air cycling. 

So last week, I praised God for inspiring my husband to attend weekly Mass with me since last Lent.  What happens this week?  He comes down with a bad case of bronchitis and misses daily Mass five days in a row.  The cool thing is, it wasn’t because he had no interest in going, just because he’s been sick and most people don’t take kindly to someone coughing up a lung in their row. 

A Connection Is Made! It’s hard to believe that it’s been two years since I made my Christ Renews His Parish weekend.  What a great group of women and friends I’ve gotten to know through the two day retreat!  Please pray for all the participants of the CRHP Women’s Weekend taking place this Saturday and Sunday at our parish.    

Watch This!  Are you ready for a priest with facts about the HHS mandate, sound theology, actual quotes, creativity, morality, completely Catholic, and a sense of humor?  This is fantastic!

I have a really good feeling about this Spring campaign. No one reason, but just a lot of blessings that are coming early and close together. First hour, first day, four college age men showed up to pray who weren't on the schedule. People calling on day two to say they want to join us - a doctor whose daughter is due to deliver any day, a teacher, a get the idea. Weather that we only dream of having. Dozens of prayer partners supporting us around the city. And this...just day two. Good feeling.
     So we ask you to join us and together we will see what amazing results God has in store for us and for our city, for our country and for all of this Spring's 40 Days for Life effort.”  
- Day 2 e-mail message from the leader of Richmond 40 Days for Life. 

Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.