Thursday, February 16, 2012

Rediscover Lent

Rediscover Lent is a wonderful companion for Catholics young and old who desire to make this Lent a time of true transformation in their lives.  This book by Matthew Kelly contains a list of daily readings, a Scripture passage, a reflection, meditation questions, and a prayer for each day of Lent and Holy Week.  With his customary finesse, Kelly invites the reader into a deeper relationship with the Lord through simple practices and disciplines that have been the habits of many popes, saints, priests, religious, and devout laypeople over the centuries.
The themes of growing closer to the God, particularly through participation in the sacraments, reading Sacred Scripture, praying the Rosary, and embracing the fullness of the Mass are those Kelly has covered in many of his other books, talks, and DVDs.  He describes how the ancient practices and beliefs of the Catholic faith along with adopting some quite manageable practices for daily prayer and faith formation can completely change your life and all of your relationships. 
These basic principles and tenets of the faith are set out in thought-provoking, easy to absorb (though they’re harder to live out consistently) points, facts, suggestions, and encouragement for the spiritual journey. 
I highly recommend Rediscover Lent and others by Matthew Kelly for those who are interested in learning about the Catholic faith or who want to revitalize their faith and come to a renewed appreciation for the richness that lies within. 
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Rediscover Lent. They are also a great source for a Catechism of the Catholic Church or a Catholic Bible.