Friday, March 23, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 43)


Good News & Continued Prayer Please! My husband had foot surgery last Friday, and  his doctor said he’s healing nicely.  He needs to spend another week off of it and therefore also off of work in order for it to continue healing.  If he gets an infection and his foot swells, he would lose his toe.   
     We made it through week one of Kevin being restricted in movement.  Please continue praying that we’ll make it through week two without any major complications and with his healing continuing smoothly (and each of us maintaining our sanity and our marriage). 

Sister Sightings!  This week, I actually got to see, hug, and share a meal with both of my biological sisters.  Some of you are likely wondering why that is such a noteworthy thing I’d mention it here.  Well, it kind of is a big deal.  One of my sisters lives ten minutes away from our place with her husband, but we rarely see them unless someone holds a big family dinner.  My other sister is home on Spring Break from The Ohio State University.  So we’re not super close-knit, but I still love them lots and pray for them daily so it was nice to see them in person!
Out for breakfast Tuesday morning Theresa and I met for breakfast at Boychik’s, the locally owned New York style deli/restaurant where we used to go regularly when Theresa was just a baby.  I found it a little hard to believe that I was sitting there waiting for my youngest sister to meet me there over 20 years after we’d begun frequenting that establishment.
     We had a really wonderful heart-to-heart.  What a tremendous blessing to be able to spend some quality time catching up with someone I helped take care of when she was little and have loved her throughout her entire life (and will keep right on doing so)!

Our Lady of Kibeho is a very powerful account about the visionaries in Rwanda to whom the Blessed Mother and Jesus appeared starting in 1981. Immaculée, the author and narrator, was a young girl growing up in a devout Catholic family in Rwanda when these apparitions began. She was very intrigued and overjoyed to hear the radio reports that three school girls in Kibeho had been visited by the Blessed Mother. She begged her parents to go on a pilgrimage to the village. Though her parents, neighbors, brothers, and other family members made the trek to Kibeho, they didn’t allow Immaculée to go, as they feared for her safety…Read more here. 


Kids’ Play Area This week I picked up Vivi and took her to the play area at the mall to run around for a while.  It was fun to watch her size up the equipment and the other kids for a bit, then climb over one thing a number of times before she branched out to other equipment and became more vocal.  My absolute favorite aspects of our outing were the running over to me with a huge smile on her face, arms wide open, to give me a hug.  I’d hug and kiss her, and tell her I loved her.  I could hear her say softly: “I love you” as she wandered back off to play again.  Love those make-your-heart-melt moments!


Lovelines Family Kevin and I are incredibly blessed to have people in our lives that are essential members of our lovelines family.  This week we have been very grateful for a multitude of prayers from all over for Kevin’s smooth recovery.  We’ve really enjoyed the delicious homemade soups our siblings in Christ Laura and Jeff made for us. 
     Laura, thanks for listening, sharing, crying, and laughing with me when I desperately needed  to talk with a woman who understands.  John, thank you for your ongoing prayer cover, sharing your time with us, and cheering Kevin up by bringing him a CD/DVD that made him smile and laugh even in the midst of his I’ve-had-to-sit-around-at-home-for-a-week grumpiness. 

A Prayerful Vigil on the Boulevard Great News! Times TWO! At the 40 Days for Life vigil in Richmond Thursday, two more mothers chose life for their babies. Two women drove out of the abortion facility parking lot and were offered help by the two women standing praying beside the driveway, on the sidewalk.  Both women in the car were pregnant, and both accepted the offer of help, they were given the phone number and the address for the nearby Pregnancy Resource Center.  As they drove away, one was already calling the number on the card to contact their office.

Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7Quick Takes Friday.