Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wherever Lily Goes: Book 2 in the Lily Trilogy

Wherever Lily Goes is a very moving sequel to the first book in the Lily Trilogy, Until Lily.  This novel is written from the perspective of a middle-aged woman named Terry about the adventure of when she and her husband uproot their three daughters and relocate several states away to take care of her sister Lily, who has Down Syndrome.    

Terry’s cynical view of faith and family is challenged from every angle once they move.  Her husband, children, and most noticeably Lily start posing questions and creating situations that end up completely transforming a marriage as well as an entire household.
The first person point-of-view and conversational tone make this an enjoyable, yet thought-provoking read.  Terry examines her various roles as woman, daughter, sister, wife, mother, and child of God, and finds there’s room to grow in each of her relationships.

So often we’re tempted to remain in our usual ruts when it comes to marriage, family life, and faith, but this story shows how a little extra laughter, lots more love, and some true sacrifice make for a magnificent metamorphosis.
Like the Until Lily, this novel is a celebration of life, an invitation to sanctification, and a collection of unexpected joys.  Author Sherry Boas proves that it’s indeed true: “Wherever Lily goes, goodness is sure to follow” (pg. 44).  I'm looking forward to reading the third book!
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit Caritas Press to find more information on Wherever Lily Goes