Friday, May 18, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 50)


My Dad’s Greatest Weapon This week I rediscovered some boxes from my dad’s that I brought over after he passed away in 2009.  As part of sorting and reorganizing things at our place, I went through the items one-by-one.  One that I began using this week is my dad’s rosary, truly his greatest weapon. 
     I’ve been sort of bummed since I lost the one that Kevin gave me even before he returned to the Catholic faith in which he was raised.  I’ve just been using a plastic one, which is just as effective, but doesn’t have the same sentimental value as the other.  Yesterday was the first time I prayed the mysteries of the rosary on it.  Other days this week, I’ve pulled it out to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.


The Feast of the Ascension Kevin and I went to Mass last evening at St. Benedict’s, a very traditional Catholic Church within walking distance from us where we usually attend daily Mass.  I like that when there’s a solemnity that they have a full Mass the day of (actually a couple different ones to fit people’s varying schedules) rather than just wait to celebrate it the next Sunday when a bazillion other things are going on.  It served as a wonderful reminder that Christ had to go back up into Heaven so He could send us the Holy Spirit and have His True Presence in the Eucharist.      


A Screw Loose! My husband and his ongoing toe trauma continue.  Today his doctor removed the screw he put in Kevin’s toe on March 16.  The screw has been pulling out of the bone, and the risk of it coming through the skin and causing infection had increased enough it became necessary to take it out.  Everything went fine.  Kevin’s driving himself home and spending the rest of the day with his foot up.  Just in case you were wondering, Mr. Toolman asked to keep the screw that was removed.  Yes, folks, that’s my babe!    

Babies in Pants Vivi’s parents Jess and Carl are preparing for the birth of their twin girls, Livia and Sophia who are expected to make their grand debut any day now.  When Vivi was looking at a book of nursery rhymes with pictures of babies on the back, Jess decided to try again to let Vivi know what’s going on.  She told Vivi that there are two babies in her tummy.  She pointed to her stomach, which is completely covered by maternity pants.  Vivi responded, “Babies in pants?”  Jess showed Vivi her bare stomach and repeated that the babies are inside of her belly.  Vivi just said, “Babies in pants.”  I’m not sure if this means Vivi thinks that her mom has babies inside her maternity pants or if she thinks that the babies inside her mom’s tummy are wearing pants.  Either way, we’re all (those of us who know that Jess hasn’t swallowed a basketball) are still anxiously awaiting the twins birth.           


MARVELous Over the past couple of weeks, Kevin and I have really enjoyed movies based on Marvel comics.  We hadn’t yet seen Captain America or Thor when we went to see the box office smash, The Avengers.  We had already seen Iron Man I and Iron Man II and both had some recollection of the Hulk.  Now we have seen and really enjoyed four of the movies with the back story of these superheroes, I think we may need to go see The Avengers again now that we know more of the background story of the main characters.


Supercool T-shirt Contest You’ll definitely want to check out the story and great photos about the young man who won the American Life League’s Pro-Life T-shirt contest with the help of his family.  What a neat way to get the pro-life message out there while having some fun family time!

Just Write!  Lately I have had some very clear, concrete signs from the Lord that it’s time to get back to working on the spiritual memoir (about how God brought Kevin and me together and has kept us together) as well as the young adult novel I wrote the bulk of as my Master Thesis when I had the good fortune of working with the Director of the Children’s Literature program at Hollins University as my advisor. 
     Please pray for me and for Kevin as we discern what God would like us to do (how, when, for what greater purpose, and with whom) about these manuscripts to get them prepared for publishing.  Kevin’s always been a huge support of my writing and has proven to be a really good copy editor, so we both could use some extra prayer coverage for the guidance and wisdom to do what God calls us to in this area of our lives.
 Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.