Thursday, May 24, 2012

Babies in Pants

I’m kind of on-call since Vivi’s parents Jess and Carl are preparing for the birth of their twin girls, Livia and Sophia, who are expected to make their grand debut any day (or hour) now.  No, I’m not a midwife or doula, but I am near the top of the call list to come and take care of Vivi until Jess’s parents arrive.      
This woman is quite a trooper!  She’s still keeping up with their two-year-old Vivi, who I have the blessing of nannying for a few days a week.  Jess is working full days from home (and intends to continue doing so basically until she goes into labor).  She’s been going to Mass on Sundays, doing errands with her husband, and going on outings with family and friends.  She was really hoping that walking around the Lebanese food festival last Friday would help entice the girls to elect a sooner than later birthday, but it wasn’t to be.
I can’t wait to see how Vivi will respond when Jess and Carl go to the hospital and return with two newborn baby girls.  I hope they are able to record her reaction when they’re all being strapped in their car seats and riding home for the first time in their family’s version of a “swagger wagon.”
When Vivi was looking at a book of nursery rhymes with pictures of babies on the back, Jess decided to try again to let Vivi know what’s going on.  She told Vivi that there are two babies in her tummy.  She pointed to her stomach, which is completely covered by maternity pants.  Vivi responded, “Babies in pants?”  Jess showed Vivi her bare stomach and repeated that the babies are inside of her belly.  Vivi just said, “Babies in pants.” 
I’m not sure if this means Vivi thinks that her mom has babies inside her maternity pants or if she thinks that the babies inside her mom’s tummy are wearing pants.  Either way, we’re all (those of us who know that Jess hasn’t swallowed a basketball) are still anxiously awaiting the twins birth.
Please pray for Jess, who’s got a really nasty cold, and is already being stretched in body, mind, and spirit by the twins.  She’s getting much closer to the full 40 weeks than any of us thought she would, and it’s been tough on her.  This is her 39th week.  Any extra prayers offered for a smooth delivery, hopefully without a C-section being necessary, would be greatly appreciated!