Friday, June 1, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 52)

Beloved Daughter, Rejoice! is the theme of the 422nd Cursillo Women’s Weekend taking place in central Virginia right now.  Here’s the reflection I wrote on their awesome theme.  Please join me in praying for the participants of this “short course in Christianity,” as they grow closer to the Lord, make new friends, and rediscover their status as beloved children in the eyes of God!


Ride in Trisha’s car? Apparently Vivi was asking or rather requesting all last weekend to “ride in Trisha’s car.”  When I watched her on Tuesday while her parents took the twins to their first pediatrician appointment, we did indeed go in my car to a nearby park with a couple playgrounds.       The question, however, reminded me of six years ago when Hank, one of the two little guys for whom I nannied, asked me if he could ride in my car.  I thought he just wanted to take a ride somewhere like we used to when it was the three of us, but then it hit me that what he was really asking was would he remain in my heart even if I no longer had a carseat installed for him in the back of my car at that time, a light blue '86 Pontiac 6000, affectionately named Lou.  The answer was then, and is now, a resounding yes! You will always have a very special place in my heart!   


Don’t tell the toddler! Last evening Kevin removed the carseat that’s been securely installed in the middle of my backseat for months, so I can take Vivi places.  With Cursillo events and our trip to Rochester coming up, we need the extra space for adults and stuff.  I texted to let Vivi’s mom Jess know that we removed it, but that I’m not going to tell Vivi, who would likely have a major meltdown upon learning such news.  The plan is to leave the carseat out until we get back from Rochester, at which point, her dad can reinstall it facing forward, now that she weighs enough for that next step.  Now I just have to remember not to let her see me bring it into the house or look in the backseat of my car when I’m watching her.      


Protect Our Girls! Planned Parenthood doesn’t protect our girls—not in any sense.  They encourage widespread contraception use, fail to mention the side effects and risks of STDs.  Then when the contraception fails, they push abortions, which scar women, physically, emotionally, and spiritually and kill an innocent baby, in addition to causing a slew of long-term health complications which PP always neglects to mention or denies outright.  PP often doesn’t report statutory rape or sex trafficking, and some PP workers even go so far as to coach people who are in the sex trade on how to get around the system. 
     I find it tremendously depressing that so many people (as in most of our culture) still believe the lies that contraception and abortion are evidence of feminine freedom and independence.  To make matters even worse, now many are promoting gendercide, the abortion of babies based on their gender.  And you thought that was just some inhumane policy enforced by the government in China?      
     Please seek God’s will, and listen to His call to CHOOSE LIFE!  It’s never too late to protect, respect, and protect the dignity and sanctity of every human life created in God’s image throughout their time on this earth from conception to natural death. 


A Creative Local Pilgrimage Jamie, a seminarian in our diocese my husband and I regularly see at daily Mass, organized a local pilgrimage that was held last Saturday May 26, 2012.  It began at St. Bridget’s Church with morning Mass and included stops at a number of local parishes with time for prayer, a talk, and/or a tour of each destination.  Since I’d been working on our place, helping at my mom’s, and have been feeling pretty rundown in general lately, I opted not to join them for the 10 or so mile hike in the heat between churches.  I showed up for the last stop, 5:30pm Pentecost Vigil Mass at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart and a guided tour of the church and grounds.  Both were quite enjoyable.


The Conversion of a Loved One The Pentecost Vigil Mass was celebrated by Fr. Michael Boehling, the vicar for vocations in our diocese.  Fr. Mike shared an awesome true story during his homily about a man (from the parish where this priest had previously served as pastor) who decided to become Catholic after 63 years of attending Mass every week with his wife.  (And I thought Kevin was slow in coming back around to the faith!)  The moral of the story is: God answers prayers, so don’t lose hope.  His timing is far better than ours.      

Four Ordinations Kevin and I are going to Sacred Heart Cathedral this Saturday morning to pray for and with four young men who are going to be ordained as diocesan priests: Rev. Mr. Joseph Goldsmith, Rev. Mr. Christopher Hess, Rev. Mr. Carlos Lerma, and Rev. Mr. Sean Prince. 
     Our favorite brother in Christ John, who is now officially a seminarian for our diocese, will be serving at the Mass.  I figure my husband and I attending will be an exciting first for us while also showing our love and support for John as our brother/best friend enters into this next chapter of his life.   
Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.