Friday, October 5, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 70)

My Grandma Celebrates her 89th birthday: Here's one of the people through whom God has shown me that miracles really do happen.  Read more here.
What did that say?! Kevin and I have become a pretty good team when it comes to copy editing or just reading and laughing about poorly written already published pieces.  We have a favorite publication which often provides us with plenty of comic relief, though nothing in it is really meant to be humorous. 
     Not only do we each find ways to help others improve their essays, articles, proposals, etc., but we also have lots of fun doing it.  Among the most amusing tidbits we helped refine this week involved someone claiming to have “spearheaded a blood drive.”  Kevin was doubled over laughing.  I simply made the comment that they must have gotten much higher donations than usual.  Another gem was that someone claimed they had experience “working sexual minorities.”  This must be rather confusing to employers minus the preposition “with” included.  
Big Sis Removes Stumbling Blocks Vivi kindly removed the building blocks from her sisters’ rolling, creeping, wishing-to-crawl path today after being asked only once when I explained that we don’t want either of her sisters to roll onto one of her wooden blocks and get hurt.  An explanation, stated calmly, along with the suggestion of a nearby place to put them seemed to be the right combination for cooperation.  (Good reminder for future use.)    
The Water Buffalo Song You know you must have done something right if you have children requesting books they want you to read them and songs they’d like you to sing with them.  One of my personal favorite requests is Veggie Tales Silly Songs.  “The Water Buffalo Song” has been quite high on the top 10 request list this week. 
My first home Mass This past Monday, we had a lovely treat.  My Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) sister Nora invited us over for a meaningful evening of prayer, breaking bread, and fun.  Nora had us out to her place (which isn’t exactly over the river, but you do have to go through lots of woods to get there) for an in-home Mass that our pastor Fr. Dan Brady came to do.  It was really neat that it was the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux, one of my favorite saints, and certainly someone I had in mind when suggesting names for my youngest sister.  We sang hymns, broke open the Word, shared the Most Holy Eucharist, and powerful prayer.  Afterwards, we caught up with each other over a delicious homemade chili dinner with all the fixings. 
Stapleton Style Hospitality Kevin and I were invited over for dinner with our good friends Laura and Jeff.  Their place is so warm and inviting, decorated beautifully.  The food they make is absolutely delicious.  We feel really comfortable chatting, relaxing, laughing, praying, and sharing together.  It’s truly a glorious gift to have this Catholic couple in our lives who are also active in our parish, Cursillistas, Christ Renews His Parish alum, and who are also committed to loving the children God puts in their lives.
Make New Friends, But Keep the Old This week I’ve been reminded again of how wonderful it is to have people in my life now who have known me for a long time.  My best friend from high school Holly and I have kept in touch through the years, and we’re still there to listen and support each other in good times and bad.  Laura, who I met in fifth grade at St. Mary’s School, and I have reconnected after being out of touch for a number of years, and it’s been such a delightful rekindling of an old friendship.  Kevin and I are grateful we have many old friends mixed in with the new friends we’ve made, and we also thank God for the new friends that very quickly feel like they’re old friends.  Thanks God for our bloodlines family and our lovelines family (people of our choosing who aren’t necessarily related by blood or law).     
Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.