Friday, October 19, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 72)


It’s a Small World After All Though I haven’t been to Disney World in years, I can still remember the “It’s a Small World” boat ride, and how could I possibly forget the song?!  We went to Disney World many times when we were growing up.  Though we did ride that ride as many times as we could get our parents to wait in line and go on it with us, the other quite memorable occasions were when my youngest sister Theresa was a baby/toddler.  We discovered that if we were on a long car ride that we could get Theresa to settle down if we all sang, “It’s a Small World” to her.  We resorted to that trick many times.  Here’s the song in case you want to get it stuck in your head.
Sorting Things Out I’ve spent lots of time over the past several weeks going through things at my mom’s house before she moves from the family home into a one bedroom apartment.  It’s been an emotionally and physically draining process, but it’s almost finished.  I’ve lost count of how many trips I’ve made to drop off carloads of recycling, items for Goodwill,  etc., but there have been quite a few (and those aren’t half as numerous as the trips my mom’s made to all of those places).  Please keep our family in prayer as we finish moving everything out and as my mom settles in her new apartment, which she again intends to make a comfortable place for family gatherings.

What will the neighbors think? There are many reasons why it’s a good thing my husband is friendly and knows our neighbors.  One of them happens to be that for months, sometimes years at a time, I’ve had one or two carseats installed in the back of my car, but I never come home for the night with a child.  This week, while cleaning out things at my mom’s I realized the irony that I’d put Disney stuff for Vivi in her carseat, and the only other thing in the backseat was a naked Cabbage Patch doll (mine from childhood minus the facepaint I’d put on her cheek many moons ago).  With the combination of a carseat with no kid in it, a naked doll, and my bright yellow “Choose Life” license plates, I’ve probably got some people scratching their heads, that is, until they meet my husband a few times, and they find out I’m a nanny.  

Potty Training Protocol Since Vivi has begun potty training, I suddenly recalled my mom’s story of her first attempt when I was still pretty young (younger than Vivi is now) to introduce the concept of using my own potty chair in the bathroom.  After the brief tutorial my mother gave me, she went into the kitchen.  She knew for certain I wasn’t picking up what she was putting down a little later when I came out of the bathroom holding the bowl from the potty chair and saying, “Green beans?”  As in, let’s put some of my fave veggies in here.     
Funny Kids T-shirts I have seen children wearing these shirts, and sometimes wish that all kids had such honest phrases written right on the front of their t-shirts warning everyone upfront.  I think the one that made me laugh the most was when I saw a young boy of about 3 years old wearing a “Potty Like a Rock Star” t-shirt, as many little ones that age tend to do just what the shirt implies (to me, at least): they pee all over the place; sometimes, they even get some inside the toilet.  To the right are a few of my favorites:

Blessings Out of the Blue (& Photos too!) As per usual, God has made sure to mix in some extra special blessings to remind us of His love this week.  Thanks to all of the family and friends who joined in to show us glimpses of God’s love.  We’re incredibly blessed to have you in our lives!  Click here for list of blessings, names, and photos.


Chosen to Serve To be chosen to do something special is an honor.  By rite of Baptism, we have been chosen by the Lord God to be his heirs, to be brothers and sisters with Christ Jesus.  As children of God, we have been chosen, elected, set apart, given a special blessing…and are sent out into the world to serve. 
     We’re all given different gifts and talents which the Lord intends for us to use in order to help others and bring others closer to Him.  We don’t have to ask whether or not we are among those selected for the Creator to work in and through if we have embraced the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit as the triune God above everyone and everything in creation.  If we have accepted who God is, then we know we are among His children.  If we are one of God’s kids, then…
Read the rest of this reflection written in honor of the participants of the Cursillo Women’s Weekend taking place Oct. 18-20, 2012 at Shalom House.
     Please keep the team and candidates in prayer this weekend as well as during their 4th day.  DE COLORES! 

Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.