Friday, October 26, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 73)


To People of Goodwill We’ve donated right many carloads of things this week (and in previous months) as we cleaned out the last of the stuff at my mom’s house.  Still a bit hard to believe we’d moved into it after my sophomore year of high school, the summer I met Kevin for the first time.  I left the house for the last time Wednesday evening, leaving my keys on the counter.  It would probably feel even more strange if everything was moved out at once and furniture sold over a weekend, but it’s been weeks in the making, and hasn’t really been my mother’s home and our family gathering place for quite some time.    


Cause Ya Gotta Have Friends! Kevin and I are incredibly blessed to have many wonderful friends.  These past few weeks, we’ve been particularly grateful for those who have pitched in with the monumental moving-everything-out-of-Mom’s task.  Nancy, Gwen, Leslie, and Jeff, thank you so very, very much for your help, which was truly acting as the Body of Christ for us.  With yours as some of the hearts and hands that Jesus has on earth now, God’s love has been and will be felt.  May God shower you with blessings in abundance!

Who me? Couldn’t Be! For two people who can so easily see and affirm how God is working in and through others in amazing, miraculous, significant ways, my husband and I sure have a lot of trouble seeing our own potential and greater sense of purpose.  Fortunately, we can see and point out that which is good and holy in each other, even during those times when we can’t see it in ourselves. 
     God, in His Infinite Wisdom, reminded Kevin and me each in very specific ways this week that He loves us and that He has been and will continue to use our lives by working in and through us. 
     Since Kevin likes to keep it simple and isn’t one for reading at length, his came in a fortune cookie: “You lead a useful life no matter what riches are coming to you.” J  He kept this little piece of paper to show me, knowing immediately it was part of the reassurance from God that his life has purpose even if we aren’t where we’d hoped to be or thought we would be at this stage in our lives. 
     That very same day, I came across the following quote from Blessed Mother Teresa in a book I’m reading and reviewing Where There Is Love, There is God.  : “What is the reason for our existence?  We are here to satiate the thirst of Jesus…to proclaim the love of Christ, the thirst of Jesus for souls…by the holiness of our lives” (pg. 173).  Does God know me well, or what?  Not only did he answer my question, but He included the question within the response just to make sure I was paying attention. 
     I always say that if we’re still on earth than, God can still work in and through us, but Kevin and I both appreciated our very personalized reminders that He’s not finished with us yet.  Read the full post Back on Track: Fully Relying on God (FROG).

Me and Theresa a few years back dressed as
Disney Divas: Mulan & Tinkerbell
Best Halloween Treat Ever! Twenty-one years ago on October 31 my youngest sister Theresa was born while my other sister and I were out trick-or-treating with friends.  This is what our friend’s dad was blasting from his car stereo when he got the phone call and told us the news.  I could never have known how much joy and love she would bring into our family!  Love you lots, Miss Reesa Lynn, and am grateful for the many blessings you have brought and continue to bring into our lives.  My prayer for you is that you will come to know the Lord on a deeper level and choose to serve Him in whatever ways will glorify Him the most and allow His love to shine in and move through you to others.   
Halloween Party: Chirp Chapter One of my Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) sisters hosts a costume party at her house each year.  The usual suspects might not look like this when you see them this weekend.  This is the photo of some of my CRHP sisters at a recent gathering we had for lunch and discussion of the book Heaven Is For Real
Birthday Blessings This week, I’ve had a number of surprises and lovely gifts of people’s time, talent, creativity, and thoughtfulness.  Earlier this week, Michele delivered a card and a "glory bee" to our door.  Last night Jeff and Laura had us over for a pizza, peach iced tea, and pie pre-birthday party. How's that for alliteration?  This morning Kevin gave me a beautiful card.  My mom left signs on my car "You were my first joy baby!" "Happy Birthday! Love, Mom," then my mom and sister Mary came over to visit me at work and brought lunch and presents. That plus time with my three fave cuties, dinner with Carl, Jess, Kevin, and the girls at Olive Garden, and a call from our best friend has indeed made it a special day!
Discerning God’s Will A number of friends have talked about and have been in the throws of discerning God's will.  I'd like to recommend that you see one of the upcoming performances of an original play about St. Teresa of Avila written, directed, and performed by a local actress, who before too long will be entering a cloistered Carmelite community in California.  She's a God-loving, Harley Davidson riding woman of God you may have heard about.  To find out when and where you can see her amazing play Teresita, click here.
Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.