Friday, November 2, 2012

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 74)


Voters Be Wary Livi (5 mos. old) took a bite of her mom's voter registration card one afternoon this week. I've been wondering if I take a bite out of mine, would people stop calling, e-mailing, snail mailing, and just leave me alone about this election? Yes, I'm voting. I can assure you the only One able to change my mind at this point is far above any pay grade.  
Pray, listen to the Lord, then vote accordingly!   


The Real Catholic Vote This is a great, recent blogpost by a priest from our diocese stating Catholic teaching on politics and parties.  Think you know the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church? Know whether to vote Democrat or Republican?  Read this and find out!   

Growing in Sisterly Love

 One of the perks of my work as a nanny this week has been watching Vivi start interacting and playing more with her 5 mos. old twin sisters.  I laughed and melted when she went over one day and gave them both gentle pats on their heads.  The three of them may butt heads (literally and figuratively) at times and vie for attention, but you can tell they really love and care about each other.


Home for Halloween It’s been another busy week, sometimes rather hectic, so it was really nice to have Wednesday off from both jobs.  I slept until noon.  I can’t remember the last time I did that.  I spent most of the afternoon and evening folding laundry, putting it away, doing dishes, balancing the checkbooks, paying bills, making dinner…but I got to do all of it in my jammies.  Though Kevin and I usually walk around the area some to see people’s costumes and decorations, I didn’t step out of the apartment once.  What felt really strange was knowing that my baby sister turned 21!  She was born when my other sister and I were out doing some real trick-or-treating.  See Take 5 for definition and explanation.     

Flashback: Hardcore Trick-or-Treating When my sisters and I were growing up, we didn't use pitiful orange buckets, we used pillowcases.  You can fit a whole lot more candy in those. They're also harder to carry when they get to a certain weight, but who cares?  We just wanted to go out and get the free candy.  When using pillowcases (and going to where there are apartments or lots of houses close together) there is enough that parents can easily pick what they want after "checking the stash for tampering," that was until  my sisters and I counted every single piece to see if one of us had more than the others.  If you’re going to go to the trouble of dressing up the kids and canvasing a neighborhood or two, why not go all-out and get a serious stash of candy?  Note: This message was not brought to you by the American Dental Association. 


Ordination Celebration Saturday, November 3, 2012, Kevin and I will be attending the diaconate ordination taking place at 10:30am at Sacred Heart Cathedral.  Please join us in praying for the following men (as well as their wives and families) who will be ordained as permanent deacons: Paul Buckman, Armando deLeon, Tom diStefano, Esaud Feliciano, Al Hallatt, Steve Haut, Tom Healey, Kevin Hogan, Paul Kudrav, Frank Leaming, Frank Nelson, Chip Pagnini, VJ Petillo, Ron Reger, John Tucker, James Van Wyk, Charles Williams, Jerry Wyngaard, and Robert (Bob) Young as well as the group of men in our diocese ordained as permanent deacons on Saturday, October 13, 2012 (whose photo's on the left).  It has been very exciting especially to see several members of our Cursillo family go through the formation process.  What a remarkable group they are and will be as they continue to serve their families and the Church!                                                                


My Godfather: I have a special prayer request for a wonderful, faith-filled man and his family.  My Godfather, who was my dad’s best friend from college (and throughout the rest of my dad’s life), Rick, could use some extra intercessions as he recovers from yet another surgery.  My Godfather, aka Stitch, has had a very rough bout and just this week had to undergo another serious procedure.  Doctors say he did well. He and his family have been through quite a bit.  We need to keep the prayers for Rick, his wife Mary Kate, and their adult children Daniel and Cate flowing.  Thank you!

Head over to Conversion Diary, to read Jen Fulwiler's wonderful tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday.