Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wrapped Up: God's Ten Gifts for Women

What is a woman worth?  It depends on whom you ask, when, where, and how what answer you will get to that question.  There are so many people and things vying for women’s attention, evaluating their worth, and holding up what society says should be their ideal, it’s easy to get lost, hurt, and confused.  What’s difficult is seeking God’s view of who you are, actually accepting it, and then putting that above anyone else’s, including your own, your family members, your friends…  At least that’s what I’ve found to be among the greatest challenges of being a real W-O-M-A-N of faith.  
Wrapped Up: God’s Ten Gifts for Women describes the blessings that women are and possess because we are created in the image and likeness of God; we’re daughters of the King.  Two faith-filled women approach this topic to unwrap the innate beauty and uniqueness of feminine genius as it’s revealed to us through Scripture and most often profaned by the mainstream media. 
Media expert Teresa Tomeo examines her time in the spotlight versus her new life in the light of Christ.  She illustrates how fame and fortune made her what this world considers successful but left her with a sense of spiritual desolation.  How can we pick out the truth from the lies?  First, we need to be mindful of what and to whom we’re listening.  “Giving serious thought to the messages that bombard us is essential if we are going to really see ourselves as unique gifts to the world created by God” (pg. 121).  With thirty years of broadcasting under her belt, some hard knocks, and quick breaks, Teresa uses her experience to take a closer look at the most prominent lies we’re fed by modern culture.   
Co-author Cheryl Dickow supplies Scriptural support and reflections that underline the value of women in the Old and New Testaments as well as in the present day.  Cheryl’s discussion of women in the Bible who were open to God working in and through them and fascinating insights into Jewish traditions and practices that are key to understanding the deeper meaning and significance of these stories give this true view of women the solid faith foundation it needs.     
These fundamental virtues of women through God’s eyes are combined with some of Teresa’s and Cheryl’s own personal experiences to bridge the gap between Bible Truths and their modern-day implications.    
“Women, with our unique role as nurturers, have something the world needs desperately: motherhood.  Some of us are spiritual moms.  Some of us have been blessed with the gift of physical motherhood.  Some of us are both spiritual and physical moms.” (pg. ix of Introduction) Teresa Tomeo
This book provides an in-depth look at the sanctity of women and how that holiness leads to a responsibility to share our God-given abilities, talents, and wisdom with others. 
“I knew that being wrapped up in God’s love happens in many ways, one of which is through words and love and prayers that have been part of this book—written just for you. (pg. ix of Introduction)” Cheryl Dickow
This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Wrapped Up - God's Ten Giftsfor Women. The Catholic Company is a great resource for tools to help you participate in the Year of Faith, including Year of Faith bible studies and exclusive Year of Faith personalized gifts. The Catholic Company also has all your Advent needs in stock, such as Advent calendars and Advent wreaths.