Sunday, December 2, 2012

Advent: What are we waiting for?

In pondering the purpose of Advent, to prepare our hearts to receive the Lord Jesus Christ, I’m glad we have a designated period of time in which we’re invited to delve back into the mystery of the Incarnation, the devotion and grace of Mary’s yes and Joseph’s, too. 
Participating in the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist at Mass, setting extra time aside for quiet reflection and prayer, and meditating on the miracle of Christ being sent among us have remained the essential ingredients in my Advent preparation.
Another blessing that strikes my heart on a deeper level than is easy for me to describe adequately in words is holding a baby at this time of year.  It never ceases to stoke my sense of awe and amazement that the Lord would humble Himself in order to become the most vulnerable among us.  An infant is completely dependent on others for everything.  They are love and innocence itself.  It boggles my mind that the Lord would give us the gift of free will and let us exercise it in all areas of our lives. 
One of the aspects of Advent that I really appreciate is that there is so much love, trust, and mystery.    
     Seven Suggestions (and corresponding posts) for a Successful Advent:

1.      Stay Awake 

2.      Seek Him Who Seeks You 

3.      Hold on to Hope 

4.      Celebrate the Season 

5.      Rejoice and be Glad! 

7.      Wait Patiently