Since February of
2010 one of the awesome companies for whom I have been writing and posting my reviews of their books, movies,
and music is Aquinas and More. If you go
to their Tiber River review site, you’ll see Top Reviewers, and I’m one of
them. There are many reasons I have
written and posted 52 reviews for this company over the past three years. Here are a few more reasons to help save their company from closing.
If we aren't, with your help, able to raise the funds we need,
several unique services we offer will vanish from the Internet because we are
the only Catholic site that has them. Here are a few:
- · Registries for seminarians and military chaplains - we've sent over 7000 items to Catholic military chaplains to distribute to their flocks
- · Our Good Faith guarantee
- · No Chinese products - It's been our commitment from the start and over 200,000 orders later, it still is
- · Imprimatur information on books
A Message from President of Aquinas and More Ian Rutherford
Dear friends,
I ask you first to pray for our campaign. We will be praying the Saint Michael the Archangel prayer daily for this endeavor. Will you pray too? Second, please take a moment to visit our “Aquinas Angels” site, where you can read more about what brought us to where we are right now and what our plans for the future entail. You can visit the site at:
I want you to know that if we don't reach our goal, your Angel donation will not be processed. It's as simple as that – it's all-or-nothing. We will not be benefiting from any support until and unless our goal is reached. And if we don't reach it, Aquinas and More will likely shut down. So, our next step is in His hands. If you choose to join us, we have different levels of support, and will be "giving back" for your generosity.
I also ask you to please help us spread the word about our “Aquinas Angels” . With the relationships we've built over the years, I firmly believe this is a “We” Campaign. We can't succeed without your help!

Aquinas and More is truly not just a Catholic store. Aquinas and More is a way of life for myself, for my wife, for my ten children.
We are unabashedly and authentically Catholic in all that we do – our policies, our products, and our outreach projects. You know the value of our Good Faith Guarantee.
As part of the Year of Faith, we are called to deepen our faith, believe in the Gospel message, and go forth and proclaim the Gospel. That is the essence of Aquinas and More. Giving to our “Aquinas Angels” Campaign means helping to build and restore an authentic Catholic culture. I know in my heart that there's nowhere else out there where you can find such a ministry and mission – a living and serving, Catholic approach to shopping. I'm willing to put myself out there like this to keep it going.
We would be honored and grateful if you can become an Aquinas Angel for us and help us reach our $250,000 goal.
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.