Monday, April 8, 2013

Catholicism DVD Sets: Buy One, Give One

     Catholicism is an awe-inspiring, around the world, journey into the mysteries of the Roman Catholic faith.  Without a passport, airline tickets, or hotel accommodations, you can go on pilgrimage to some of Christianity's most sacred spots on Earth with Fr. Robert Barron of Word on Fire as your esteemed tour guide.
     To see some highlights of the Catholicism series, check out the video below:
     My husband and I were inspired to view the Catholicism DVDs when our beloved brother in Christ, John, purchased a set and was very impressed by what he saw.  It was really interesting to watch many of the DVDs during this past summer while John was in Europe visiting a number of the holy sites described and featured in these DVDs.  Suddenly we had a deeper understanding of the inspiration behind his pilgrimage itinerary, and we could feel a sense of connection as he journeyed to these places to witness the beauty and faithfulness they contain.  
     My mom gave me the set of Catholicism DVDs as a gift, knowing that Kevin and I really enjoyed the series.  Several parishes and prayer groups have been offering viewings of Catholicism as part of ongoing formation, education, and evangelization for parishioners, families, and those interested in learning more about the Roman Catholic faith.  
     Right now, there is a special deal being offered where for the price of one set of Catholicism DVDs, you will receive two complete sets.  One for you, and one to give to someone else.  For more information and/or to take advantage of the buy one, give one offer that's available for a limited time only, click here.