Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Need a Screw or an Adjustment?

Kevin came to visit me and the girls.
Here he's holding Sophie, his Goddaughter.

My husband has a screw loose.  He admitted this openly and scoured about the floor on his hands and knees in the hallway looking for it with a large magnet.  The screw that popped out of his glasses was very small, so it wouldn’t have been easy to see, especially for someone whose spectacles had just come apart. 
This is not the first incident my husband has had with these particular glasses, and chances are better than average, it won’t be the last.  Kevin’s had all sorts of strange things happen with his prescription eyeglasses.  The lenses have popped out at random intervals.  One occurrence that was particularly exasperating happened while he was walking through the parking lot at work on a snowy day.  Fortunately, since they’re transition lenses, the lens turned black on the snow, so he was able to find it. 
Kevin and I thought it admirable that his eye doctor refuses to carry any frames made in China.  Our admiration has dwindled a bit when my husband has had to resort to removing screws from Dollar Tree reading glasses he has (which were definitely made in China) to replace the screw from his Made in Italy frames with transition lenses, a supposedly top-of-the-line pair. 
His assumption is that these glasses were made for people who don’t do anything other than sit at a desk or something equally as innocuous.  When I pointed out that walking through a parking lot that’s not under construction or in an empty hallway are not really high-danger-to-glasses activities, he made some offhand comment about how walking through a snowy parking lot or doing laundry counts doing something.
I still can’t figure out how it is that Kevin walked into the hallway outside of our place on one of the trips to the basement in our building to do laundry, and one of the screws just suddenly popped right out of his glasses.  The irony of it all is that this particular combo of frames and lenses has caused a whole lot more trouble than they're worth.  I've worn glasses and/or contacts since the summer after I was in third grade, and I've never had so many issues with a flippin' pair of glasses.  Perhaps athletes who play full-contact sports have such frequent problems with their eyewear, but this seems a bit much. 
Another thing that amuses me considerably regarding Kevin and his glasses are how often he cleans them.  I’ve worn glasses for long enough that there has to be a glob of strawberry jam or something equally noticeable on my glasses for me to bother cleaning them properly with a soft cloth and maybe even a little soap and water.  Most of the time, if there are some fingerprints, smears, or smudges detectable on my glasses while I’m wearing them, then I wipe the lenses off on the softest material handy and get on with my day.  Kevin stops whatever he’s doing, and he makes a production out of wiping his lenses thoroughly to remove the offending spots with a small cloth specifically designed for such a purpose. 
I read Kevin this piece before posting it.  His response: "Is that it?"  I said yes. To which he said:
 "I see."
For further musings on vision, glasses, and impressions (and Impressionists) when things aren’t in focus, you might enjoy reading I Can Almost See You.