Thursday, June 6, 2013

Parlez-vous français? Mais, oui!

I couldn’t resist the opportunity to have some fun with French.  Since I took French from fifth grade through college, and I spent an academic school year my junior year at Hollins studying in Paris, France, I offered to have some conversations in French with my sister before she went back to Burkina Faso (where she’s studying West African dance this month).  She wanted to brush up on the basics and learn some key phrases that wouldn’t likely be in a textbook.
I began with one of the few things Kevin learned to say in French before he came over to visit me:
Est-ce que tu m’épouseras?          Will you marry me?
This was not my response when he asked, but is one I suggested for my sister to use if it turns out to be a more appropriate answer in her circumstances.
Non, ma mѐre va me tuer.    No, my mother will kill me.
Actually, when Kevin said, “Je t’aime du fond de mon coeur Patricia Niermeyer.  Est-ce que tu m'épouseras?” He was down on one knee with a ring box in his hand which by itself got me crying so hard I hadn’t heard him.  He looked at me, waiting for my answer, and I looked at him not having heard the question.  He asked quietly, “Did I say it wrong?”  I told him, “I didn’t hear you.”  He laughed and asked again.  I said yes and gave him a big hug and a kiss.  I was thrilled!! 

This phrase I thought of because it’s a pretty cool French song that we learned when I took a French music course in college.  I still listen to the CD sometimes.
“Je crois que ça va pas être possible."    I believe that will not be possible.

These I included because they'd probably be useful: 
Dégage-toi!      Free me!  Let me go!

Aidez-moi!        Help me!

Je dois allez aux toilettes.       I need to use the toilet/go to the restroom.

Où se trouvent les toilettes?  Where is the restroom?

J’ai mal (à + le, la, or, les, l’) _____________                        My   _________________ hurts.
Combined becomes (au, à la, aux, à l’)                                           (part of the body)

J’ai soif.                I’m thirsty.
J’ai faim.               I’m hungry.
J’ai assez mangé.     I’ve had enough to eat/have eaten enough.
Never say: Je suis pleine.  (word for word translates to I’m full, but in French means I’m pregnant unless, of course, that’s what you mean to say.)
Je suis fatigué.        I’m tired.
J’ai chaud.              I’m feeling warm/hot.
J’ai froid.                I’m feeling cold/cool.

J’ai perdu…mon billet, ma carte de crédit…                I lost…my ticket, my credit card…

     I hope this has been a fun learning experience for you.