Friday, August 9, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 114)


On that farm, he had a…I’ve been the lead teacher at school for a Nature Camp held for students who are between the ages of 2-6 this week.  We did a number of fun activities including: singing various songs such as “Old MacDonald Had a Farm,” reading some educational books, making a mobile from a branch, twine, wooden beads, and shells, using little bits of scrap paper and Modge Podge to decorate wooden frog shapes to which we added googly eyes on the front and a magnet on the back, taking a walk during which we collected items from nature that are no longer living in our paper lunch bags.  (Don’t worry.  That’s not where our lunches were.)  It was nice to be back at school with lots of kids and some really amazing adults.  Here’s a video clip involving Old MacDonald which Kevin told me about that made me laugh:
Is It Really Love? The lyrics of a French song I really like “Savoir Aimer” by Florent Pagny have been going through my head lately when I think about what genuine love is.  True love gives without wanting or asking for anything in return, even the hope of being loved.  There are no strings attached or conditions that need to be met in order for the giver to give love freely.  It’s just there.  No matter what.  It’s patient, steadfast, persistent, and doesn’t diminish or run out.  If it is even within my capability to give others such self-effacing, sacrificial love as this, it is only because this is the love the Lord gives to me, to each one of us every day.
Still a Bit Surreal Kevin and I have now gone out twice on his motorcycle.  Here’s photographic proof that I’ve been on the bike:

God’s Still Working Miracles Read this miraculous true story by USA TODAY’s Madeline Eversley about how a priest no one has been able to identify interceded on behalf of  a 19 year old girl in a tragic car accident no one thought she’d make it out of alive.  
Man to Man, Dad to Dad My father’s birthday has just passed and the anniversary of his death is tomorrow, August 10.  Around this past Father’s Day, I received a free copy of this book from Catholic Company, for reasons perhaps only the Holy Spirit can explain (I didn’t request it or order it), and though hesitant to read it and write a review, because I knew it would be a tough topic for me, I did read it, and this is my review...
I just read a book written by and for Catholic men called Man to Man, Dad to Dad: Catholic Faith and Fatherhood edited by Brian Caulfield, so I’ve been thinking about my own father and the role of fathers in general.  The funeral I attended recently for William Barrett Sr. reaffirmed that the best gift a father can give to his children are a dedication to the Lord that comes before all else, and a commitment to family that remains strong, loving, tried, and true... Read the rest here
How to Save a Life A few weeks ago, I was inspired to watch the video to a song I’ve liked for quite a while.  I was surprised to discover the lyrics aren’t what I thought they were.  It’s amazing how one word changes everything.  Because of some of the experiences I’ve had in my life with family and friends, I thought that the chorus to "How to Save a Life" by The Fray was:

“Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend
Somewhere alone in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
cause I know how to save a life.”  

The actual lyrics are: “had I known how to save a life.”  This deeply moving music video contains a message that can save the life of someone you love.  I invite you to watch, listen, and learn, so perhaps you’re less likely to find yourself in the position of regretting that you could have saved a life and didn't.

For more information on suicide prevention, check out this info-packed website for the signs that someone might be suicidal and tips on how to help them.  Don’t ignore them.  Seek help and support for your loved one as well as yourself.  Suicide prevention is everyone’s business!

A Life-giving Birthday Gift Since my mom has learned and done so much over the years to help give people life, I figured a good present for her now that she is a grandma is Infant First Aid and CPR classes.  
     My mom’s been very involved in the respect life movement (from womb to tomb) for a number of years.  Among many other things, she has kept vigil with those who have lost their will to live, visited the sick and home-bound, given shelter to the homeless, fed the hungry, cared patiently and gently for those who are imminently dying, comforted those who are in mourning, prayed for an end to abortion, supported unwed mothers and helped them get the resources they need, fought doctors and anyone else who has refused to recognize the sanctity and dignity of every human life, shared the Gospel with others…
     Pretty much the only life-giving/saving activity I could think of to add to her repertoire is a couple courses on what to do in the event that a physical emergency arises in which she could be the one to keep her grandson or another young person alive.  I was impressed with the class I took through this company.  If you haven’t been trained in Infant or Adult First Aid and CPR or could use a refresher, I encourage you to check out Enjoy CPR.  
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.