Friday, September 13, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 119)

Book Lovers Unite! I absolutely love, love, love books!  I read a whole stack of them while we were up in Rochester on vacation, and it was great!  I could enjoy each one, devour one after another, and I didn't have to write a single review.  I could just enjoy, write in my journal if I wanted, and open the next one in the stack.  There was one book in particular that I was especially taken by that I do believe I'll write a review of in the days to come.

Stuck in Neutral is a short Young Adult novel that is incredibly well-written, riveting, and thought-provoking.  It was serendipitous that I even came across the book.  I found it on the shelf of award-winning young adult novels in the used book shop they have in the library nearby the cottage.  I am always so incredibly excited to find truly well-written books I probably wouldn't have heard of had I not happened upon that little shop.  
Love is… Kevin cleaning up the kitchen after I spilled most of the smoothie I'd just made on myself, the cupboards and the floor, letting me go and change into pants and socks that weren’t spattered in mixed berry (I generally prefer to arrive at work not covered in stains, even if after 9+ hours with three small children make it virtually impossible that’s how I will leave).  Later in the day, Kevin came to visit me and the girls and brought me a huge smoothie, my favorite kind the Cherry Picker from Smoothie King (other than those I make myself and manage to consume without incident).
What's funny is that he went to get a blended coffee drink out that same morning and the girl working there told him she couldn't make it because they couldn't find the top to the blender.  Throughout the day, Kevin was calling me “Smoovie.”  A judge on America’s Best Dance Crew used to crack us up when she told people they were “smoove” as opposed to smooth.

All of the above made me think of one of many great quotes from the 1992 comedy movie My Cousin Vinny: “Oh yeah, you blend!”  Here’s the link to the movie clip.

How are you feeling?! Kevin and both I have both been feeling what he calls "grumbly." It's a combination of feeling crummy, grumpy, and like grumbling. He's feeling this way due to the job situation (he lost his job on Labor Day), and I am because I have the nasty cold/virus (whatever it is that the girls have been passing around) and by late afternoon, I feel pretty awful. At least Kevin and I are still kind and loving to each other and can make each other laugh from time to time. Lord, please continue to bless our mess!

God is Working Even Now I started singing a song by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir with these lyrics in it to Kevin the other day when he was telling me about having talked with someone who might be a good connection in his job search.  Kevin’s familiar with the song, and waited for me to finish singing: “God is working.  He’s still working.  God is working even now…” before he quipped: “Well, that’s good, cause I’m out of a job.”
Here’s the song and video in its entirety.  It’s a good one. I love me some Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir praise and worship music! 
Climbing to New Heights I knew the time would come and probably sooner than later for these two, but oh-my-goodness, watch the heck out, the twins are climbing and scaling stuff!  By the time I’ve taken one of their trays into the kitchen, someone’s usually standing up on the sofa or the recliner trying to launch herself over the top of it.  This week the twins have become proficient in climbing up into their highchairs, the recliner, the sofa, chairs, and if given the chance, will begin to scale them.  It’s time to batten down the hatches, put plug covers in every socket that isn’t being used, lock-up the poisonous substances, latch the heavy furniture to the walls, and thank the Lord for guardian angels. For the full scoop on the climbing phenomenon, the latest entry in My Nanny Diary, click here.

Snot Slingers Extraordinaire I’ve been sick this week with a nasty cold or virus.  It’s no fun being sick and having to take care of three little ones, two of whom are not only sick, but also teething.  I brought over a box of Puffs Plus tissues with lotion (we buy them in bulk), so my nose isn’t completely red and raw by the end of the day, just on its way to a Rudolph-like glow.  I wasn’t surprised that the girls didn’t respond any better to having their noses wiped with softer, gentler tissue than they usually do.  You’d think I was using sandpaper to wipe off their faces the way they protest.  If the neighbors aren’t familiar with young children, they probably think I’m actually torturing them by the way the scream and shriek like banshees when snuck up on or ambushed with a tissue.
The Lord gave me special grace this week and helped me through by having Kevin be available and willing to come hang out with us for a while even though we’re all extra snotty right now.  He’s always interested in hearing about the girls’ latest tricks and escapades, and he’s also been incredibly understanding when I get home in the evenings ready to collapse. 
I’ve found it humbling and entertaining that one little pumpkin has become quite adept at imitating the sounds with her mouth that I make when blowing my nose.  I’m glad my being snotty can somehow amuse and encourage her in her language/sound effects learning process.    

Walking with Mary A truly inspiring book came out this past week, and I am one of the bloggers on the Virtual Book Tour taking place at this time.  I will post my reflections of the book on Tuesday, September 17, so please check back.  For more info about Walking with Mary and to read the other reviews on the Blog Tour, click here.
Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.