Saturday, October 26, 2013

33 Blessings I’m Grateful for on my Birthday

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes and prayers!  Here in completely random order are some blessings for which I am truly grateful.

Great books to read
 A passion for writing
·         The Sacrament of Reconciliation
·         The Eucharist
·         A child’s unbridled laughter
·         My mom
·         humor
·         Arts and crafts
·         Poetry
·         My husband
·         Prayer warriors
·         The desire to do God’s Will
·         Greeting cards & letters
·         Mass
·         Hugs
·         Kisses
·         Hope
·         Time to relax
·         Naps
·         Pens, paper, and pretty stationary
·         Photos
·         The privilege of being a nanny
·         My family
·         Friends
·         Loving text messages
·         Blogs
·         the gift of faith
·         Cursillo
·         Transformation Prayer Ministry
·         Silly sisters
·         The Step Up movies which inspire me and get me up and dancing.
·         Roller skates, even if I didn’t get to use my old school white ones with pink wheels from back in the day, yet.  No, these aren’t rollerblades. 

·         Another year to glorify God (though Kevin and I are both still waiting to hear more from Him on how He wants us to do that.)