Friday, November 22, 2013

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 129) about Singing, Dancing, Training, Laughing

Grace is…getting a short nap when you’re beyond ready to collapse, a glimmer of hope in the midst of innumerable struggles, God putting people on our hearts and minds who need our prayers, people with whom we can be completely honest and vulnerable, reconnecting with friends you don’t get to see often, having a child bring you a book to read them, being reminded of the place in your heart that suffers when those you love are suffering, the gift of laughter, the undeniable cuteness and joy of little ones…  
Gotta Sing and Dance I was raised with a love for books of all sorts, Broadway musicals, and Disney movies among other things.  I have shared my passion for books and musicals with the children for whom I have nannied and worked with over the years.  My mom, sisters, and I have been known to break into song at family meals and gatherings, and I regularly burst into songs from Singin’ in the Rain, The Sound of Music, White Christmas, Mary Poppins, The Music Man...when taking care of little ones.  Of course, I also sing them the usual ABCs, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, London Bridge is Falling Down, If You’re Happy and You Know It, She’ll be Coming Round the Mountain, I’ve been working on the railroad, but I also enjoy spicing things up a bit with some lesser-known oldies but goodies.     

The Music Man Over the past couple weeks after Kevin and I watched one of the movies I know by heart from my childhood, I was inspired to introduce another couple songs to the repertory of Broadway musical classics that I sing and dance to at times while nannying.  The girls have really enjoyed the opening scene from the original The Music Man movie.  This has been the favorite and most requested Youtube clip this week (at least in the department of musicals):

Hit by a Train The other day it happened to me again, I was hit by a train.  It was a small child’s toy train, but I still got hit by it.  When Kevin and I were dating, he took me to a model train store and was showing me how detailed some of the to-scale models are.  I was holding one box up and examining the locomotive inside, admiring the intricacy of the windows, seats, etc., and tilted the box a little too far.  The black engine thumped onto my chest.  I turned to Kevin with a look of mock horror, and said, “I’ve been hit by a train!”       
Keep It Simple I’ll set up a lay-out of train tracks, and one of the girls tries to attach all of the trains to each other and not let her sisters have any to play with.  Another will make it her mission to destroy whatever train tracks are connected, especially if they happen to be held up or supported by Duplos.  The third cutie has cracked me up this week by taking one piece of track less than a foot long and one train and running the train back and forth along that little bit of track.  It’s portable, cannot be disassembled, and doesn’t draw nearly as much attention or interference as other attempts to play trains.  You go girl!    

When Words Aren’t Enough Over the past couple weeks, I have had people share with me a number of serious situations for which they want and need prayer.  Regardless of how tired I have been, God has granted me the grace to listen and be present when possible, and to lift up all of those who are suffering and caring for them in prayer.  I’m encouraged to know that there are people who pray for Kevin and me daily.  Just so you know, I am always honored when people ask me to pray for them or for their loved ones.  Prayer requests are always welcome!   
A Fabulous Tradition A couple who we are good friends with has made it a tradition each year to invite a group of friends and/or family members over for an early Thanksgiving feast at their place.  Kevin and I are looking forward to this get-together quite a bit after having a blast in years’ past.  Good food, good friends, great memories, abundant blessings, who could ask for anything more?

Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.