Friday, January 3, 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 135) Books and Mothers and Sisters, Oh My!

Grace is…being around people with a great sense of humor and very active imaginations, a large cup of hot tea on a cold winter’s night, heading home when a neighbor calls and needs something though you aren’t sure what, because her phone cuts out after about ten seconds, the ability to appreciate and smile at children who are too clever and intelligent for their own good, Mom’s homemade family recipe chili with mashed potatoes, noticing the variety of crayon colors used on the wall and the bathroom door, having people be really excited and relieved to have you back…  
Happy New Year Kevin and I want to start this year off right, so we went to the vigil Mass at St. Benedict's New Year’s Eve. I couldn't think of a better way to ring in the new year than to kick things off with a focus on Christ and a tribute to Theotokos, the God-bearer.  In the morning, we went to Mass at our usual parish for the Solemnity of the Blessed Mother.  It was great to see the church so packed for a middle of the week feast day Mass!  Click here to find out what's so special about Mary.

Life Imitates Fiction Yesterday morning, as per the girls’ request, I read them the classic children’s picture book by Don Freeman Corduroy three times in a row.  Not too long after that, I tripped over the kid fence that keeps them out of the computer area in their family room.  I didn’t just catch my foot on it and fall.  I took the flipping thing down, along with a tall floor lamp, and a small child.  All of us were okay, mostly just stunned.  I’m told the floor lamp still works.  (I was not brave enough to try plugging it back in since the plug was strangely bent, and I was already having so many things go wrong that I feared electrocution would be the result.)
    It dawned on me a little later that perhaps reading a book in which the following phrases appear: “bang into a tall floor lamp.  Over it fell with a crash!” got stuck in my brain and played out in real life.  Just one more reason, you should be careful what you read.  Fox in Socks is not the only book that’s dangerous! 

Keep Up the Good Fight! To be in solidarity with those who are fighting the HHS mandate, which infringes upon a number of religious freedoms, the USCCB is inviting people to join in prayer, fasting, and abstinence from meat on Fridays in January.   
A Day in the Life of… Our dear friend and sister in Christ Michele Morris sent me a play to post as her update since entering a cloistered monastery August 6, 2013.  I’m grateful to know by reading and laughing a lot that Michele’s still just as silly, faith-filled, spunky, and endearing as she was before becoming a Carmelite postulant.  This short original play by a playwright/actress/director, rider of Harley Davidson’s turned cloistered postulant will have you in stitches!
Anyone who had the privilege of seeing her performance of the play she wrote and directed, Teresita in order to pay off her student debt from attending a Presbyterian seminary (though she's always been Catholic) will enjoy this piece.  The only thing that would make it better is if we could watch her perform it live.
Fave Books of 2013 Here’s a quick reference list of some of the best spiritual nonfiction, parenting, and fiction books I’ve read and reviewed this past year.  I’ve read tons and tons more books than I’ve written reviews of in the past calendar year, but these are my favorites of those reviewed and in many cases the must-reads of each category (at least in the opinion of this voracious reader).
Everyday Things That Affect Your Mood!

May your 2014 be filled with blessings, love, laughter, joy, health, and prosperity!
Lord, our future is in Your Hands; we pray for Your Will!

Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.