Friday, February 28, 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday (Vol. 143) Love is Fully Present, Always Miraculous

Grace is… sharing a meal with another person of faith who serves as such a tremendous inspiration just by being who he/she is that you leave feeling more joyful and hopeful than when you arrived, a full-house for the Charismatic Mass held at a nearby parish, people who never cease to amaze or amuse you, unexpected answers to prayer, the Holy Spirit working in and through people in ways they don’t even begin to realize the significance of at the time…
All We Have There have been a number of things that have happened over the course of this week during which the Lord has reminded Kevin and I in no uncertain terms that He is ALL we have and that He gives us ALL we need.  For now, suffice it to say that we are blessed to serve an amazing God who has placed some really awesome people in our lives from which we can learn and grow!

Being Fully Present I had to give my Cursillo talk during team formation last Sunday, and after doing several versions and really stressing over it, I just did it.  I received some really positive feedback and some helpful constructive criticism.  I now know some of what the Lord inspired me to write in one of the versions in my talk that I didn't present to the team is meant to be shared elsewhere, perhaps on my blog, maybe in our memoir, definitely in our daily lives.  
Here’s a taste: Being fully present to others is one of the most important aspects of Apostolic Action.  Check back for a more in-depth look at this concept, as I’ve experienced it in my own life and seen it played out in the lives of others. 
Stuff my husband says: “Sometimes I’m so far beyond irresistible it’s mindboggling, isn’t it?”

A Lenten Journey I enjoyed reading A Lenten Journey with Jesus Christ and St. Thomas Aquinas with its single serving size insights from St. Thomas Aquinas to go with the Gospel readings for each day of Lent and Holy Week.  Dominican author Fr. Paul Jerome Keller has done a magnificent job of incorporating brief passages from one of the most well-known and widely read members of the Order of Preachers, Thomas Aquinas, into daily meditations that are perfect for the season of Lent.  Fr. Keller has selected poignant passages from Aquinas’s vast works as the precursor to his own short reflections and original prayers written on the Gospel for each day. ..Read more here.

Preparing for Lent Lord Jesus Christ through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  These practices are intended to bring us closer to Jesus not only as we prepare for the upcoming Easter season, but also as we move beyond it and live out our call to apostolic action.  Here is one of my favorite Lenten practices that was definitely the Holy Spirit inspiring my husband.

40 Days for Life The Lord has repeatedly asked His servants to devote time to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving in preparation for a huge mission He intends to give them. Would you like to know what part of your mission is over the next 40 days?  Watch this video.  It’s under 5 minutes long and is about miracles.  

Check out Jen Fulwiler’s tradition of 7 Quick Takes Friday at her tremendously popular blog Conversion Diary.