Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Lost in the Labyrinth?

     I have a confession to make: I managed to get off-track doing a labyrinth walk (aka Jerusalem Mile).  I can’t bring myself to tell Kevin, yet, as he already loves to hassle me mercilessly about my uncanny ability to get ridiculously lost.  I will never hear the end of it if I explain to him what happened when I was doing the journey inward (to the center) part of the labyrinth.  I don’t have to worry about him finding out by reading my blog.  As is the case with many if not most of my family and friends, that’s rarely something they’re inclined to do on their own.  (At least, Kevin doesn’t check it much since I typically read to him what I’m going to post.  He’s actually the most supportive person in my life about my writing and my blog, and I consider that a tremendous blessing!) 
     After the others had left Richmond Hill at the conclusion of our Cursillo team overnight, I took the opportunity to spend some quiet time alone in their garden.  I made my way to the labyrinth walk, something I’ve had an affection for ever since my first encounter with it when we went on our pilgrimage to Ireland.  The weather was gorgeous that day.  No one else was in that part of the gardens.  I could walk and contemplate in silence, looking out over the city, and have some much-needed downtime before Kevin came to pick me up.
     I must have gotten off-track at some point on my inward journey because I never ended up in the middle when I started from the outside going in.  When I got back to the beginning without ever having made it to the very center as intended I just walked straight to the center and did the outward journey correctly. 
     How perfect an analogy for my life!  Only I could get lost on a labyrinth walk.  Oftentimes, I’m much more concerned about my inner journey than I am about my outreach.  And sometimes, I have to go straight back to the center (God) without any twists or turns.  At least I know enough to go back to the center and begin again when I realize I’m off-track.
     God doesn’t expect us to be perfect and polished inwardly before He sends us out to serve others.  Part of our outward journey is sharing our inner wisdom as well as gleaning wisdom from our interactions with others. 

     Lord, help us to be open to the interior formation and transformation You know that we need most in order to be more effective vessels for the many blessings You wish to give others through us.  Amen.