Thursday, May 15, 2014

Prayer to Mary for the Conversion of a Loved One

Written by: Ishbel McGilvery McGregor and included in the book Praying with Mary: Sacred Prayers to the Blessed Mother for All Occasions by Janice T. Connell

Your prayer group of sweet loving where I gave myself to you
Has filled me with a wonder that is full of thoughts of you.
My life is now poured out, in love and work and prayer
And yet, there is a sadness, for I long to help and share.
The one whom Heaven gave me to share this life on earth
Has not received your gentle kiss and does not know your worth.
I long to share my happiness, to talk of all your words,
To plan our lives around them and bring others to the Lord.
But my love views me with sorrow at all the time I take
In chasing after visions and praying for your sake.                                           
O gentle Mother, hear me, please touch “my love” for me
That together we may journey with your Blessed Son and thee.
Let our family be a haven for the lonely and the weak
That we may bring your blessings when a messenger you seek.
May our home be full of laughter, may our journey be a prayer.
Let our lives reflect the beauty of your loving and your care. Amen.

Note to readers:  I began praying the little known “Prayer to Mary for the Conversion of a Loved One” by Ishbel McGilvery McGregor the minute I set eyes on it. I prayed the prayer which I found in Janice T. Connell’s book for my loved one several times throughout the day in addition to praying the Rosary for his conversion. Through the grace of God, the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the intercession of the Blessed Mother, I am grateful to say that this Easter (2014) marked the fourteen year anniversary of my then boyfriend, now husband’s returnto full participation in the Catholic Church.  Praise God!
I have since shared this gem of a prayer with a number of family and friends over the years.  I've also continued to pray it for some of my loved ones who have not yet discovered the value of a relationship with God's Mother as a way to get to know and love Christ more deeply.