Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Humble Blogging Beginnings

I have been and will continue to be revamping my blog.  I'm going to have a page for each of the major categories of posts I do.  It's taken me a while to get all of the book review links together since I have over 160 of them--and those are just the full-fledged, official reviews I've done since I started this blog back in August 2009. 

I had a blog before that, but that's when I began the current one, in part, because I attended my first Catholic Writers Conference and felt I should have a blog and website up before handing out my business cards and networking with other authors, publishers, and editors.  I never thought that my first posts on this new blog would be ones I wrote and posted after my father's death.  (This was my very first post on here: Presence and Absence.)

Budgets, Books, and Blogging 

There’s nothing like someone asking me for help, guidance, or advice in an area to make me realize how important it is that I’m doing my best to put into practice whatever suggestions I would make for them.  Last Saturday, I met with a good friend of ours who knows a great deal about budgeting and is interested in sharing what he’s learned.  Before we met, he was leaning in the direction of putting a book manuscript together and trying to get it published. 

Once we were discussing his vision, it became clear that he wants to do this predominantly to help other people.  He’s not looking to make money off of this.  He’s not hoping for sudden stardom or a New York Times bestseller.  He just wants a way to reach more people with the wisdom he’s gleaned from his own life, marriage, raising two daughters, as well as through his 30 years of experience working with individual couples, organizations such as: Habitat for Humanity, Hilliard House, Hopewell Food Pantry, CARITAS, as well as at some local high schools and colleges.

Kevin and I have known this man and his wife for nine and a half years now, ever since I made my Cursillo weekend back in June 2006.  They have become both good friends as well as our chosen spiritual companions/guides/mentors. 

A friend saw my Facebook post about how Saturday was one of the days I was “truly amazed by doors God has opened unexpectedly and things He's had in the works for years that are coming together in new and exciting ways now.”  She contacted me, bursting to know what I was referring to. 

I shared with her my excitement about this new project.  I’m looking forward to serving as blogging and social media mentor for someone who is very passionate about budgeting, helping others, and sharing his gifts of time, talent, and treasure generously.