Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Laughing Together Series (Vol. 7) My First Dinner with Kevin's Family at the Cottage

I had fun taking part in the tradition Kevin’s family has had for decades of eating dinner together at the cottage on Sundays in the summer.  His three older sisters and their husbands came over to relax outside, swim in the lake, and have a cook-out.  Dinner was a very informal affair and proved to be quite amusing.  I mostly just listened, laughed, and observed while eating.  

The fan was on and all of the windows were open to let in the breeze.  Kevin tried to put pepper on his salad, and a gust carried it away before it reached the lettuce.   

“My girls don’t even cover it up anymore,” his sister Chari confessed.  I was appalled until I realized that she had to be talking about their female felines peeing in the yard not their children; they have two sons.  

The conversation topics throughout the meal were comical.  They managed to cover everything from out-of-control condiments and peeing pets to how to eat around the scorched spots of corn on the cob and breast reductions.