Sunday, March 29, 2015

Catholic Fire in Word and Deed

Now taken out of context this might sound like the beginning of an endorsement for pyromaniacs, but when considered as it was intended this quote which appears on Jean M. Heimann’s blog Catholic Fire, it can be the inspiration for us each to become the best versions of ourselves, who God made us to be.  

I was thinking about this quote the other morning when deciding how to spend my time.  There was a Cursillo Method training and a Christ Renews His Parish Flash Mob at church.  Another friend was home baking cookies for the Appalachian Twinning Ministry she heads up.  Several people just blocks from where we live were gathering to pray the Rosary as part of 40 Days for Life.    

I have often felt torn.  So many ministries, so much suffering, so much need, and I only have so much time, energy, and resources.  I’ve always been the hardest on myself when it comes to involvement with volunteering or time spent working on projects.  I feel like I can never be or give enough.  Instead of feeling grateful that I’m offering something, I tend to feel like it doesn’t matter, isn’t sufficient…

St. Catherine of Siena's quote struck me the other day because there were many ways I could have spent my Saturday, but many of them would have been “shoulds” instead of “coulds.”  It's rather bold and daring to believe that if you're a person of prayer open to the goodness, love, beauty, and hope in life, then God can work in and through you in powerful ways. 

There is a great song by The Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir that reminds me of how God sees me and each one of His Beloved children.   I’ve written about both the song and included the video in a post called How many times do I have to tell you…?!   

I have read and admired the Catholic Fire for quite some time.  Jean always has write-ups about the saints that are interesting and informative.  She is a strong Catholic woman of faith, who isn't afraid to show her true colors or share her gifts with others.  

Yesterday, we had our monthly Theophostic Prayer Ministry gathering, and they were looking for someone to write a skit, write an invitation letter, and make a flier.  I've been wondering for some time how I could give back to the faith community in Chesapeake at New Creation who has blessed me so much through this ministry they learned about and have been teaching us over the past few years.  I was excited they happened to hit upon three things I love doing: creative writing, letter writing, and design/layout stuff.  Finally, a perfect fit for my strong suits and abilities, and a way to offer support to people who have shared a ministry with me that has completely changed my life. 

Questions for Reflection and Prayer: How is God calling you to use your gifts?  What if you did what you are passionate about in such a way that it brought others closer to the Lord?  How could your seemingly ordinary gifts set the world on fire or at the very least ignite a spark in someone else’s heart?