Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Preschool Bugs and Butterflies Lesson and a New Insect Song

Last week in Bugs and Butterflies Camp, we confirmed there are insects and spiders all over campus.  Miss Claire and I taught the kids a modified version of “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes,” about insects.  I must give all the credit for this idea to RMS parent Sarah, with whom I have worked in Montessori Enrichment.  She was the one who first suggested these lyrics to help kids remember the three main body parts and number of legs insects have:

Head and Thorax, Abdomen, Abdomen
Head and Thorax, Abdomen, Abdomen
Eyes, Antennae,
Legs and legs and legs (putting arms up, level and out, then downward and out to represent 3 pairs of legs (6 altogether) that most insects have)
Head and Thorax, Abdomen, Abdomen

(I may make a video of this and put it on Youtube, but I haven't made it, yet.)  Check back.  I'll put the link here as well if I do make one.

We also sang "The Itsy, Bitsy Spider," but since those are arachnids, not insects, I thought we should include one that applied to the six-legged friends who outnumber all other animals combined.  I remember this tune from when my youngest sister was little, but I didn't include it in our activities this week when attempting to foster an appreciation for insects and bugs: