Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Are You Ready for Lent?

In some ways, I feel as though Kevin and I have already been going through an arduous period of time in the desert.  Thinking and praying about what to do or give up for Lent once again last night, I was hard-pressed to come up with anything other than doing our best to get through each day and not give up. 

What can two people who have already been stripped down to the bare minimum and left with little to offer each other or others do or give up?  Then it dawned on me, I can observe this Lent by offering a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving for all of God’s blessings.  When work is stressful, health challenges abound, and a form of survival mode is how my husband and I are able to keep functioning, then slowing down enough to express glory and appreciation to the Lord would be a good way to help prepare our hearts and minds for the three holiest days of the year: the Easter Triduum.

An excerpt about Lent I wrote four years ago that still remains true:

If I think about spending 40 days focused on how sinful and selfish I am, then I’m likely to get depressed.  If I focus on how amazing the Lord is— how incredibly loving, merciful, and compassionate our God is—that He would give us His only Son as expiation for our sins, then I’m likely to be hopeful.  I’m likely to submit more fully to the Lord’s Will in all areas of my life.  I’m likely to invite God in my heart and mind to remove the lies and replace them with His infinite Truth. To read the rest of the reflection, check out this link

A Few Great Books to Read during and/or about Lent:

Rediscover Lent by Matthew Kelly

Preparation for Total Consecration by St. Louis de Montfort