Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Kevin's Got Class: Put the Legos Down and Slowly Back Away

This is the town that Kevin and two of his comrades made
to fulfill the in-class assignment they were given earlier this week. 
(Lego supply was limited. See below.)

Kevin and his classmates were asked to get into teams of three and create a green city with housing for 2000 people, a hospital, fire and police stations, shopping center, waste management facility, public transportation, schools, and at least one green area such as a park. 

The materials provided were flat 3’x 3’cardboard pieces with plain white paper to draw on, markers, Legos, and wood blocks for construction materials.  There was only one container about the size of a cinderblock filled with Legos to share among 5 teams.  

My husband’s team was on a roll building things left and right.  They were quickly running out of the Legos they needed for the project. Kevin took it upon himself to go “shopping” from the other teams. His problem-solving technique met with great resistance.

“Don’t make me steal them from you,” Kevin said to the first group he came to that denied his request. “You probably don’t even have a police station, yet.”

“Our police station is right there,” his classmate said, pointing to it.  “And there’s the jail.” 

“Look!” Kevin said, eyeing the petit prison.  “There I am in the window!”

Everyone cracked up.

Apparently good times were had in their sustainability and design class this week. 

Next week the winning team will receive a dozen Sugar Shack donuts.  This announcement met with great excitement and a little smack talk.

“Our team will enjoy them thoroughly,” Kevin boasted.  “But your water looks mighty tasty.”

My husband has gone from skipping class, avoiding all reading and homework assignments, and not studying in high school to the head of his class, the resident comedian, and the model student asked to help others.  Who knew?  

Nothing is impossible with God!  My husband Kevin is currently attending ITT for a degree in Drafting and Design.  He has class three nights a week from now until he graduates in September 2017, and so far he's aced everything and has been chosen by his teachers to mentor those who have fallen behind.  

Please keep us in your prayers as we discern how and where God would like Kevin to use the abilities he is learning and honing at present and in the future.