Sunday, September 4, 2016

Celebrating our 12th Wedding Anniversary of LAUGHING TOGETHER

It still seems unreal at times that the man who I met when I was just sweet sixteen became my best friend, then when I turned 18 my boyfriend, and later my husband. We're 17 years apart in age, lived 500 miles away from each other, had vastly different lifestyles and dating relationship experiences. Plus,I wanted God and faith to be first in my life while Kevin wanted nothing to do with the Catholic Church in which he was raised.

So how and why did we make it this far together? NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD! We've been shown countless times that God is for us, for our marriage and commitment to helping each other become saints, so hell, high water, sickness, surgery, financial woes, unemployment, diabetes, depression, disappointments, and assorted types of suffering are no match for those who love Him and are loved by Him...

Romans 8 is engraved on the inside of our wedding rings because, throughout our friendship, dating relationship and marriage, God has proven his love for us over and over. When we've been ready to give up, He's reminded us that He can take whatever circumstances we are facing and use them for His greater glory in time and eternity. "All things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28