Thursday, November 17, 2016

21 Days of Thankfulness: My Photographic Attitude of Gratitude Project (Day 14) Clever Children's Book Authors

The three silly sisters frequently requested that I read them
certain books.  It was one of my favorite ways to spend time
with them.  I'd like to think I helped their parents foster
their love of books and reading from a very early age.
DAY 14: Clever Children's Book Authors

As someone who has been asked countless time to reread a book to a young child over and over and over again. I sincerely appreciate the authors who take the time to make the story entertaining and amusing to both children and adults.  I have far too many favorites to list here, but Dr. Seuss, Sandra Boyton, and Mo Willems are always fun for everyone.

I've observed some rather amusing behavior when it comes to kids and picture books.  
Totally deserving of that silver sticker!

Here I'm reading one of the Dr. Seuss classics to the two young
boys who came to celebrate a family friend's baby shower.

The following is an entry from a series I used to do called 7 Quick Takes Friday:

Life Imitates Fiction One morning, as per the girls’ request, I read them the classic children’s picture book by Don Freeman Corduroy three times in a row.  Not too long after that, I tripped over the kid fence that keeps them out of the computer area in their family room.  I didn’t just catch my foot on it and fall.  I took the flipping thing down, along with a tall floor lamp, and a small child.  All of us were okay, mostly just stunned.  I’m told the floor lamp still works.  (I was not brave enough to try plugging it back in since the plug was strangely bent, and I was already having so many things go wrong that I feared electrocution would be the result.)
    It dawned on me a little later that perhaps reading a book in which the following phrases appear: “bang into a tall floor lamp.  Over it fell with a crash!” got stuck in my brain and played out in real life.  Just one more reason, you should be careful what you read.  Fox in Socks is not the only book that’s dangerous!